Blueberries – A Super Fruit, Everyone Like to Grow
Tauheed Ahmad Nawaz
Blueberries are so healthy, highly rich in nutrition, and decrease the risk of colon cancer. It is excellent for brain power and decreases belly fat. The antioxidants in the blueberry increase our energy levels and immune system.
This is really the world’s best healthy food. Blueberries seeds are inside the fruit, and it takes very small work to separate them from the pulp. You can consume fruit from an existing bush or from those purchased at the grocers. But the results may be meager or nonexistent.
Blueberries do not self-pollinate, which actually means they are rather random, and their offspring do not duplicate the parent. It is highly recommended to purchase viable blueberry seeds for planting from a nursery, but if you would like to experiment, here is how to prepare blueberry seeds for planting.
Therefore, to prepare blueberry seeds for planting, the fruit will need to be macerated. This can be completed in a food processor, blender, or with some old-fashioned elbow grease in a bowl. Moreover, add a small volume of water to the berries as you do this.
Thus, once the fruit is mashed, take away the floating pulp, and the seeds will sink to the bottom. You may add water numerous times to remove the pulp totally. Hence, once you have gathered the blueberry bush seeds, they need to be satisfied. You should place them in some damp sphagnum moss and put them in the freezer for at least 90 days. Moreover, scarification will break the seed’s rest period, so they are ready for planting.
Also, once the 90 days have elapsed, the seeds can be used instantly or kept in the freezer until you are ready to plant them. Blueberry seed planting should begin in the fall in warm climates and in the spring in more northerly climes. However, you should plant the seed in dampened sphagnum peat moss in seed trays and cover them with ¼ inch of soil. You have to keep the medium consistently moist and have some patience, in this regard. Further, blueberry seed planting may take six to eight weeks to germinate, some not for three months.
Once the blueberry bush seed plants grow enough to transplant, move them into pots in a sunny, warm area and keep them moist. The growing blueberry seed plants can be fertilized with a liquid fertilizer after two to three weeks in their pots. Thus, the resulting blueberry bush seed plants will bear fruit for two-year when the plant is one to two feet tall.
It may take quite a few years when growing blueberries from seed before the plant will yield any noteworthy amount of fruit. So, again, you should be had great patience, but once established, it will keep you supplied with this superfood for decades to come.