
The Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Description One of the several representatives of the genus Agyrtria, which has been subsumed in its entirety into Amazilia. Violet-crowned Hummingbird looks very similar to the Green-fronted Hummingbird but has...

How to Grow Basil Herbs?

How to Grow Basil Herbs "Ocimum Basilicum"? The Basil Herbs are all good for cooking and are handsome...

Large-billed Scrubwren: Charming Chirps of Melodic Masterpieces

Description: The large-billed scrubwren (Sericornis magnirostra) lives in dense temperate subtropical or tropical moist lowland rainforests, like other...

Rufous Treecreeper – The Tiny Charming Bird

The richly colored Rufous Treecreeper (Climacteris rufa) is the only member of its family Climacteridae. Southwestern Australia is...

White-quilled rock pigeon (Petrophassa albipennis)

Family: The white-quilled rock pigeon (Petrophassa albipennis) is a member of the family Columbidae in the genus Petrophassa. Identification:...

The Beautiful Flowers of the Shingle Beach

Flowers that grow by the sea must cope with exposure to wind and salt spray. Those living on Shingle Beach also have to adapt...

How to Grow Colchicum Autumnale

Colchicum autumnale, generally recognized as autumn crocus, meadow saffron, or naked lady, is a flower that resembles the true crocuses but blooms in autumn....

Blanket Flower – Beautify your Home and Gardens

Blanket Flower is a perennial long season of bloom, produced from early summer to early fall in different shades. Blanket flower, also known as...

Coleus Plant – Loved for its Dramatically Variegated Leaves

Coleus is a colorful perennial plant, whose flowers are grown as a tender annual. This plant is loved for its dramatically variegated leaves in...

Papaver Orientale: The Gorgeous Showy Flowers

The poppy or papaver orientale showy flowers appear for at most a week or two.  In late spring or early summer in gorgeous shades...

How to Grow the Most Beautiful Cactus?

There are so many peoples, who want to know, how to grow the most beautiful Cactus. Cacti are fun to grow because of their...

Ajuga Reptans – A Fast Growing Plant

Ajuga Reptans is a fast-spreading plant, sometimes called “Bugle”, and has much to recommend it. Ajuga Reptans can take more foot traffic than most...

Aquilegia Flowers: Nature’s Most Underrated Blooms

The Aquilegia flowers and leaves of columbines have a dainty, airy quality. Several flowers have long spurs, and they come in every color. Including...

The African violet (Saintpaulia Hybrids)

African violet has a great range of colors and forms. It is very easy to grow and they will flower continuously over a long...

Aconite Eranthis Hyemalis Flower

The Aconite Eranthis Hyemalis flower bulb sends up three to eight-inch stems in the late winter or very early spring. With flowers that are...