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Dental Herbs for Tooth Decay

Dental herbs ideas force us to think about a diet as the primary factor in tooth decay, and, subsequently, tooth health is widely accepted amongst the herbalist community.

Therefore, food is the first topic your herbalist will discuss with you if you come to them for dental assistance. They will also complete a comprehensive set of questions about everything from your mood to your environment to better understand your makeup and situation. After you have been fully “examined” and your diet has been altered to maximize the likelihood of remineralization and healing, a herbalist may recommend a variety of herbs that can help your body develop new teeth.

According to Christopher Hobbs, LAC, AHG, an herbalist and botanist with over thirty years of experience in herbal treatments, the following herbs can help in the process of reversing pathology and strengthening teeth:

Antibacterial and Anti-inflammatory Resins

The following resins contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in addition to their special characteristics listed below.

Antimicrobial Herbs

Astringents (antimicrobial, tightens tissues)

These will help strengthen your gums and firmly root the tooth.

Immune Strengtheners

A healthy immune system will ensure that your body is producing and distributing nutrients to the teeth and gums for proper healing and remineralization.

Essential Oils

Most essential oil-bearing plants can stimulate blood flow to the gums, which in turn helps drive nutrients into the teeth. The following oils are also antibacterial, so they are beneficial in removing surface bacteria:

All of these oils can be purchased easily at health food stores, ordered online, or obtained through your herbalist. Just make sure that your oil is of the highest quality and purity for maximum results.

Read More: The Ultimate Secrets of Wild Herbs

Dental herbs for tooth decay: Tooth health is widely accepted among the herbalist community. Source

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