How to motivate yourself at home? People are the only ones who create the world in which we live and work. We have always concentrated on achieving greater success and happiness by focusing on the ideals of people-to-people motivation as well as the principles of self-motivation. It is expected that people will devote more time, commitment, and loyalty to their employer as they progress up the career ladder. Unfortunately, many people have become absorbed by their work to the point where they lose the balance between living and working.
Therefore, work-life balance has taken on a whole new meaning. In today’s society, living is all about work, and many people become workaholics because they are overly absorbed in their work. As a result, they cause havoc and destruction in their own homes through their devotion and commitment to the business and to their responsibilities.
Self-employed people’s businesses and involvement in them become all-consuming, taking over all of their lives. What is the purpose of work if not to accomplish something? Not the end itself, but the means to an end. Money provides us with a lifestyle that provides the pleasure or happiness we all seek, so surely we work to provide it?
Sharing life’s pleasures with others seems to make them more meaningful. The only thing that brings happiness and pleasure is other people. In the business world, however, many executives and high flyers unwittingly destroy their goals. Divorce rates in western society are high as we all know. In this decade, marriage breakup is more likely than it was 30 or 50 years ago for a variety of reasons.
Divorce stigma has decreased, getting a divorce is relatively easy, and 21st-century pressures and temptations are also contributing factors. There is no sign that people will be able to relax their demands for success, whether it is through their own businesses or their employers.
My discussions with many executives on this subject have revealed that many are shocked and surprised when their own marriages fail. Their initial anger and bitterness turn into remorse and terrible self-blame as they blame their partner. To achieve promotions and higher salaries, they worked hard, gave up weekends and evenings to their company, and dedicated themselves to the company.
It is all done to provide their children with an excellent education, financial security for their partners, and a bigger or better house. They did it for their partner, but fail to realize that happiness and pleasure come from sharing rather than money. In order to understand your partner, you must have the ability to empathize.