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Investing in Cryptocurrency: An Amateur’s Guide

Investing in cryptocurrency is a science. You have to think twice before you go down this rabbit hole. In fact, people who believe that they will get in when prices are rising to avoid missing out are the biggest fools, and they usually have to resort to cutting their losses when prices fall.
What makes one think that there is such a thing as free, stress-free money out there just up for grabs beats us. It’s an enigma that’s forever sealed inside an envelope addressed only to imbeciles. Thankfully, we’re here to make your life easier and help you understand how to invest in crypto!
Investing in cryptocurrency is a science. A long-term investment strategy protects you from the inconsistencies of peaks and dips in prices, as you’re looking for steady growth opportunities rather than short-term rewards.

The Pipeline

Trying to invest in cryptocurrencies is good. Not knowing enough and trying to “ride that gravy train” isn’t good enough. At best, you’d suffer marginal losses and lose all interest, but at worst, a rug pull will multiply your savings by a neat, round 0.
The pipeline that we suggest you follow is simple:
  1. Do your research carefully.
  2. Care for the technology.
  3. Believe in something.
  4. And then invest.
Of course, there are many resources when it comes to getting quality help with cryptos, so make sure to look through expert articles, studies, and predictions from digital innovators. Tracking the cryptocurrency space for recent innovations and news can help you make wise decisions about what currencies to invest in and when.

Don’t Overspend

Only invest as much as you can afford to lose. This eliminates panicking. Remember, get-rich-quick schemes are almost always a scam or a daydream, so always be calculative.
“Yay, crypto = to the moon = digital gold = rolling in riches.”
No. Sadly, that’s not all the same. That’s not how the world of cryptocurrency investments works.
When you make gains and see how good the technology really is, buy more steadily. When your gut tells you that it’s time to get out, get out.
Here are some tips to always keep in mind:
But all of that is easier said than done. Confidence comes with time and experience, and it’s important to invest gradually in smaller increments.


The term “HODL” is used by crypto investors to “refuse to sell their cryptocurrency regardless of the price increasing or decreasing.”
Actually, it was just a misspelling of the word “hold” on Bitcointalk. Forbes has a whole article on what actually happened in 2013 that led to this moniker.
The idea is just to stay invested. Remember these truths:
After all, holding your cryptocurrency shouldn’t be a problem as long as you’re not investing more than you can afford to lose.

Wrapping Up

Ultimately, holding on helps you know that you’re not investing for the short term. The stock market is a better place for short-term gains. When investing in cryptocurrency, you’re in the long haul. A long-term investment strategy protects you from the inconsistencies of peaks and dips in prices, as you’re looking for steady growth opportunities rather than short-term rewards. You’re “in” because you believe in your digital coins having more value in the future than fiat or gold—or any other class of alternative assets, really.
Read More: Everything You Need To Know About Cryptocurrency and Scams
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