Lucuma “Gold of the Incas” is common in Peru mostly use in ice cream flavor and even trumping vanilla and chocolate is a super healthy fruit.
Lucuma is pronounced (loo-koo-mah) and is also known as the “Gold of the Incas” and is so common in Peru. This fruit is mostly used in ice cream flavors and even trumping vanilla and chocolate. Lucuma (Pouteria Lucuma) is a super healthy fruit that has been eaten by Peruvians since 200 A.D.
But modern science is just now getting a clue about how nutrient-dense. This fruit actually is and how it could offer great healing potential. Europeans discovered Lucuma in the fifteenth century, calling it “eggfruit” due to its shape and since the flesh of the fruit is the same color as an egg yolk.
Lucuma tastes like a combination of maple syrup and sweet potato to some, or a mango crossed with apricot to others. Though the fruit can be hard to come by owing to the fact that they grow at altitudes of 4,500 to 10,000 feet. The powder can be obtained from numerous health food stores. According to the Peruvian people, Lucuma is a symbol of both longevity and fertility.
Although it doesn’t rate as high as other foods on the ORAC chart such as sumac. Another superfood in its own right with an off-the-charts ORAC value. Lucuma is full of necessary nutrients and can be used as a healthier substitute for sugar. The superfood Lucuma is available in powder form here and is mostly used in desserts. They lend their natural caramel flavor to anything from smoothies, raw cheesecakes, cookies, superfood balls, and, of course, ice cream. It’s a tree called lucumo, and in Ecuador, the tree is called “Lugma”.
Some Useful Benefits of Lucuma, and its Nutritional Profile:
Lucuma is highly useful in beta-carotene, perhaps you might have guessed with its yellow-orange color that lucuma is rich in beta-carotene, an imperative source of vitamin A. Which human bodies need for better vision, supporting cellular growth, and even assisting with immune system reactions. Beta-carotene may well protect against other cancers as well. It is including esophageal, liver, pancreatic, colon, rectal, prostate, ovarian, and cervical cancers due to its strength as an antioxidant.
The fruit is a natural sweetener. It can sweeten foods without spiking blood sugar, and it comprises beneficial nutrients that sugar alone lacks. Lucuma is also an awesome natural sweetener low in sugars. It is low on the glycemic scale but adds a subtly sweet flavor to your dishes.
Lucuma is well-iron with rich as it improves the transportation of oxygen into cells. It is an energetic nutrient for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Proper levels of iron contribute to energy levels as well.
A vegetarian source is highly rich in niacin (Vitamin B3). However, most meat-eaters get their B3 from steaks and chicken, vegetarians and vegans will love this vitamin from lucuma. This nutrient helps indigestion, muscle development, and the regulation of stress and sex hormones.
Lucuma is Super fiber-rich food, which can aid in the digestive system working properly, plummeting constipation and bloating.
This fruit Lucuma is very helpful in wound healing and anti-inflammatory cinnamon, ginger, and lucuma smoothie for a healthy and tasty treat.
Lucuma Nut oil is anti-viral and antibacterial. It can also prevent colds, flu, and other viral or bacterial diseases. Possibly making it a sound substitute for pharmaceutical antibiotics in many cases.Read About – The Black Sapote – Chocolate Pudding Fruit