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The Devil in the Shape of a Woman

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The Devil in the Shape of a Woman – There was a pious and fortunate lady in the period of Hadrat Issa (A.S). She put the flour in the oven for baking bread and made the intention for the prayer. Meanwhile, the devil came to her in the disguise of a woman and said to her that the bread has been burnt in the oven but she did not care.

Then the devil cast her son in the oven that virtuous lady did not care even for that. Meanwhile, her husband enters the house and found the child playing with the flames of the fire.

Allah Talah transformed the flames of the fire into red diamonds. This fellow went to Hazrat Issa (A.S) and informed him of the occurrence. Hadrat Issa (A.S) called his wife and she came with her husband and enquired as to what good deed was performed by her which resulted in this manner.

She said “O” Rooh Allah! I perform ablution whenever I feel I am without it and stand erect for offering prayer. I accomplished the lawful desire of any person who asked for his need at once. I tolerate the affliction done on me people and remain patient.

To pray is a message of death to the devil. He tries to convert all the people into his nature in the same manner as he refused to prostrate and was repulsed. He frightens virtuous people from certain dangers to avoid prayer. Nowadays he penetrates modern whispering in the hearts of the people that time is very valuable. The time spent in offering prayer should be utilized in national tasks.

But the true Muslim does not attend to his bad calls and does not give up the prayers. It also revealed that the devil misleads any by means of disguising themself in the shape of a woman and he goes out with makeup. It also revealed that Allah loves those who always observe ablution.

To be with ablution it happens so that the flames of fire are converted into red diamonds. Allah Talah the Almighty pleases with the person who helps the needy and is also glad to observe the tolerance of those who receive afflictions and are involved in distress.

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