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How to Treat Laryngitis?

How to Treat Laryngitis? The lymphatic system should be focus of tonic support. And attention should be given to strengthening immune system.

How to Treat Laryngitis? The lymphatic system should be focus of tonic support. And attention should be given to strengthening immune system.

An area of major concern is they, are you suffering from Laryngitis. So, do you want to know How to Treat Laryngitis?

What is Laryngitis?

Laryngitis is an acute inflammation of the larynx, or voice box. It is normally associated with a common cold or overuse of your voice. It is characterized by swelling, hoarseness, pain, dryness in the throat, coughing, and inability to speak above a whisper, if at all.

It is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection, either restricted to the larynx or part of a more general infection of the upper respiratory tract. Where no clear-cut cause is found, such as infection or overuse, skilled diagnosis is required.

Treatment of Laryngitis

Hence, How to Treat Laryngitis? The lymphatic system should be the focus of tonic support. But if there is a pattern of recurrent infection, attention must also be given to strengthening the immune system.

Actions Indicated

Specific Remedies

The various herbal traditions of the world abound with herbs effective for conditions of the mouth, larynx, and pharynx. Osha (Ligusticum porteri) is an excellent specific. A small piece of the root can be chewed to ameliorate symptoms and promote the body’s immune response.

In Europe, gargling with astringent herbs is the traditional approach. They should not be drunk, as they will probably also promote constipation—an unnecessary and unfortunate complication.

Astringent Herbs Relevant to Laryngitis

A Prescription for Laryngitis

Dosage: up to 1 ml of tincture every hour

A Gargle for Laryngitis

Make a strong infusion with dried herbs. Gargle often until symptoms subside.

Gargle II for Laryngitis

Infuse Malva flowers and leaves in lukewarm water overnight to ensure optimum extraction of mucilage. Gargle as needed.

Self-Care Methods:

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