NLP Tips to Rewire Your Brain

Change is constant, yet, it is still one of the most challenging parts of our lives. Despite experiencing change often, we tend to feel uneasy.

Once our brain gets used to a situation or thinking, changing our perspective is a real challenge. These things will give us stress and anxiety.

For example, you want to quit smoking. You would tell yourself that you would do it. However, you’ll realize that tomorrow is a special event, so you’ll be most likely tempted to smoke.

In no time at all, you are holding a cigarette in your hand.

When we want to change, we can feel stress. Since we don’t want to feel stressed, we’ll procrastinate on what we decide to do. In the end, we’ll forget about what we want to achieve.

Procrastination is one of our brains’ defense mechanisms to manage stress, and other things we think are a threat.

To effectively change our thinking, we need to rewire our brains with various techniques, such as NLP Anchoring and Meta-modeling.

NLP Tips to Rewire Your Brain
NLP Tips to Rewire Your Brain – Anchoring is a technique that connects a positive emotion to a phrase or gesture. Photo Credit – Pexels

Tips to Rewire Your Brain

Here are the five tips and techniques to rewire your brain effectively.

1. Anchoring

Anchoring is a technique that connects a positive emotion to a phrase or gesture. This helps your brain become more accustomed to the positive feeling of the chosen words or body movement.

This is probably one of the most straightforward tips you can do to rewire your brain and remove the negative emotions you have.

You can start by thinking of an emotion that you have experienced. Imagine the last time you felt that emotion. You have to make it as authentic as possible.

After that, you can choose an anchoring text that you want. If you’re going to feel happy in certain situations, you can use the words “I am happy” and say it to yourself daily.

The key is to repeat this technique daily. This will train your brain to get used to the fact that you want this change to happen.

2. Reframing

Reframing is another technique used in NLP.

Unlike Anchoring, where you tell yourself positive things to change your negative perception, reframing focuses more on content.

This technique is when unwanted or undesirable content is changed to a positive idea. You will feel more negative if you feel and think negatively about it.

In today’s world, it’s best to know what to do in case you lose your job. However, the negative emotion could haunt you.

The more you think of it negatively, the more you’ll be on the negative side.

It’s natural to panic in these kinds of situations. Reframing allows you to focus and change your perspective, giving you peace of mind.

3. Meta-modeling

Meta-modeling is considered one of the most powerful NLP techniques. It is composed of strategic questions to help your brain proceed in the right direction.

The main goal of this technique is to help people understand their problems. It’ll help you find the cause and the solution.

You will be asked questions to identify what hinders you from achieving your goal.

For example, if you think that people don’t find you attractive, you can ask yourself how you knew that or what type of people said so.

After you answer a question, there will be another one until you’ve found the root of the problem.

Instead of self-pitying, you can create resolutions that will help you reach happiness.

4. Visualization

Our brains can sometimes play tricks on us. They can’t identify the difference between the real and imaginary ones.

Using visualization in your brain can be beneficial. This means if your imagination is vivid, you’ll be able to trick your brain into feeling positive emotions.

You have to be very specific with your imagination for it to work.

For example, you want to have a happy relationship. You can imagine what it feels like to be in one.

You will naturally feel it as long as you immerse yourself in this visualization.

5. Changing Beliefs

You had probably heard many stories when you were young. As you grew up, you had a strong belief in some things.

Believing in something that is not real can affect the way you think.

Instead of pursuing this, you must face the facts and change your beliefs. You need to feed yourself with positive information.

The facts you get will turn the negative ideas away from your brain.

Not only will this be helpful for your daily life, but it also will help you train your brain in decision making, especially for businesses.

Rewire Your Brain for a More Positive Life

Negativity happens around us regularly. Little do we know, it can affect the way we think.

Applying the techniques above to yourself can boost happiness in your life and negative thoughts.

You have to put in a lot of patience as repetition is one of the critical elements.

Related Reading – Brain – A Complex Machine That Controls Every Aspect of Our Lives
NLP Tips to Rewire Your Brain
NLP Tips to Rewire Your Brain – Change is constant, yet, it is still one of the most challenging parts of our lives. Despite experiencing change often, we tend to feel uneasy. Photo Credit – Pexels


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