
World’s Most Beautiful Bird Resplendent Quetzal

The Resplendent Quetzal is considered the world's most beautiful bird. It is mostly found in vibrantly colored living in the mountainous, tropical forests of Central America. The bird prefers...

The Green Frog (True Frog Family)

The Green Frog (Rana clamitans) is usually found near shallow fresh water throughout much of eastern North America. Order...

Glory of the Snow – A Bright Blue Star Shaped Flower

The Glory of the Snow delightful bulbs has little bright blue, star-shaped flowers and grass-like leaves. They start...

Mesmerizing Photographs of Colorful Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are famous for flapping their wings exceptionally fast. They create a distinct hum and appear as a...

The Ice Volcano of the Great Lakes

The Ice Volcano of the Great Lakes - During the winter months, when the Great Lakes in North...

World’s Most Beautiful Bird Resplendent Quetzal

The Resplendent Quetzal is considered the world's most beautiful bird. It is mostly found in vibrantly colored living in the mountainous, tropical forests of...

Mistletoebird: A Hidden Gem in the Bird World

The lives of the Mistletoebird and mistletoes are inextricably linked. The bird mistletoebird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum) is Australia's only member of a widespread tropical family...

Blue-breasted Fairywren (Malurus pulcherrimus)

The blue-breasted fairywren (Malurus pulcherrimus) occurs in sand plains and heathy Mallee across central southwestern Australia and the Eyre Peninsula, regions now extensively cleared...

The British Redwing (Turdus iliacus)

The British Redwing ‘’Turdus iliacus” is a winter bird, and only very few pairs nest in the UK. The British breeding population of redwing...

Santa Marta sabrewing: The First Sighting in Over a Decade

There are some species that go extinct due to loss of their habitats. A glare hopes to catch a glimpse of the precious creatures...

White-cheeked Honeyeater (Phylidonyris nigra)

Warm, musical warbles fill the air as groups of male White-cheeked Honeyeaters (Phylidonyris nigra) advertise the onset of the breeding season. It is also...

Lucifer Hummingbird (Calothorax lucifer)

Distribution: The northernmost representative of the woodstar–sheartail group, the striking Lucifer Hummingbird (Calothorax lucifer) is found in the desert and arid interiors with agave plants...

Redthroat: A Soberly Colored Bird

Redthroat (Pyrrholaemus brunneus) is a soberly colored bird of Australia's arid and semi-arid regions but it also occupies some coastal areas, as well as...

Marvelous Spatuletail: Nature’s Most Beautiful Bird

The Marvelous Spatuletail, or "Loddigesia Mirabilis," is the most beautiful bird in nature. It is only 15 cm long. The medium-sized hummingbird is adorned...

Large-billed Scrubwren: Charming Chirps of Melodic Masterpieces

Description: The large-billed scrubwren (Sericornis magnirostra) lives in dense temperate subtropical or tropical moist lowland rainforests, like other plain brown scrubwrens. It is the...