
Tenoumer Crater: An Enigmatic Impact Place in Mauritania

There is an astonishing geological formation in the middle of the desolate and arid region of the western Sahara Desert called Tenoumer Crater. The site is located deep within...

The Herbs and Foods

Herbs and Foods - Without plants, man could not survive. Cereals Sophisticated grasses fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts...

Bar-bellied woodpecker

The Bar-bellied woodpecker (Veniliornis nigriceps) is a small size 17-19cm in length and is a species of bird in...

The Little Wild Rosa Canina

Rosa canina is a wild rose. The fact that most roses in our gardens have ample petals? While...

Torresian Crow Call and Facts

Torresian Crow call is nasal, high-pitched cawing uk-uk-uk-uk-uk-uk or ok-ok-ok-ok-ok-ok-ok. In contact and advertisement, the notes are short...

Xolos: Most Ancient Dog Breeds in World

Xolos are one of the world's oldest ancient dog breeds, originally from Mexico. Huge ears, a hairless appearance, and a beautiful, regal body define...

From Stables to Science Labs: Exploring the Educational Landscape of Equine Studies

The field of equine studies has long captured the imagination of those who are passionate about horses. It represents a unique intersection of tradition,...

Quiabentia (Britton & Rose 1923)

Within the genus Quiabentia, there are two species: one found in Brazil and the other in Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina. There was early and lingering...

Daisugi Technique to Prune Plants for Future Generations

Being a true nature lover, have you ever heard about the Japanese daisugi technique to prune upper branches for future generations? For more than...

Polaskia chichipe: Elegant cactus that resembles a columnar tree

Habitat: The Polaskia chichipe succulent cactus grows in xerophytic shrubland. Plants are treelike, branching more or less terminally to form distinct crowns up to...

Ferocactus cylindraceus (Engelmann) Orcutt 1926

Description: George Engelmann named the barrel-cactus variation Ferocactus cylindraceus in 1853. This unusual cactus poses a threat to plant collectors due to its exquisite...

Ferocactus emoryi (Engelmann) Orcutt 1926

Family: Ferocactus emoryi is a species of the family Cactaceae in the order Caryophyllales. Genus: It is a barrel cactus in the genus Ferocactus. Habitat: Ferocactus...

Turbinicarpus knuthianus: A Masterclass in Cactus Elegance

Family: Turbinicarpus knuthianus is a species of the family Cactaceae. Altitude: About 1,700 meters above sea level. Scientific Name: Turbinicarpus knuthianus (Boedeker) V. John & Riha...

Gymnocalycium: Most Popular Cacti among Hobbyists

Gymnocalycium is the most popular cacti for hobbyists—and certainly exciting to see in the field. A vast genus of globose cactus from eastern South...

Matucana krahnii: Stunning little clustering cactus

Matucana krahnii is a species of matucana in the family CACTACEAE. There are more than five known locations in Peru where this cactus can...