Ocean Life

The British Redwing (Turdus iliacus)

The British Redwing ‘’Turdus iliacus” is a winter bird, and only very few pairs nest in the UK. The British breeding population of redwing is usually confined to northern...

Rufous Fantail (Rhipidura rufifrons)

Rufous Fantail (Rhipidura rufifrons) slight form and slow fluttering flight make it well-suited to hawking in close shrubbery,...

Bluebonnet Parrot – A Majestic Creature That Will Capture Your Heart

Behavior & Habitats: As the name implies, the Bluebonnet's face is blue, not its head. Bluebonnets are often observed...

Neblina Metaltail (Metallura odomae)

Family: Neblina metaltail (Metallura odomae) is a rare species of hummingbird in the family Trochilidae. Identification: Both sexes are...

Loggerhead Shrike Call

Loggerhead Shrike Call According to Wikipedia, the loggerhead Shrike song range is broad and varied and has been described...

Limpets: Snails of Rocky Shores

Limpets attached to rocks are a familiar sight around our coastline. Their shells are exposed to the relentless pull of the tides. But the...

The Strandline – Whim of the Waves

Representatives of the great hidden storehouse of life in seas from the most primitive hydroid to an enormous whale may, on the whim of...

The Amazing Rock Drilling Shellfish

Boring bivalves, as science unkindly names these extraordinary Shellfish use their hard shells to cut their way into rocks and wood. A bivalve is...

Weever Fish – Danger on the Beach

Although the vast majority of Weever Fish throughout the world are harmless to man! There is a sizeable number with deadly stings, poisonous flesh,...

Aquatic Antagonists – Close Encounter with the Enviornment

Aquatic Antagonists: Indirect Nematocyst Entombment and Acute Allergy Contact Dermatitis triggered by Nudibranchs. It is well-known among divers, swimmers, and beach-goers who coelenterate like...

The Exocoetidae and Other Flying Fishes

How do the members of Exocoetidae and other flying fishes compare to other flyers? Researchers traditionally group flying fish with all the other vertebrate...

Flying Fish – How to Fly Fish?

Flying Fish Yes, you heard correctly, a fish can fly? But the question is how to fly fish? People flying in airplanes invariably think of...

Is Redfish Good to Eat?

Is redfish good to eat? What do you think about whether redfish is good to eat or not? Many people think that redfish is...

Horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus)

This horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) was formerly a crustacean and is the sole survivor of an extinct group of arthropods intermediate between trilobites and...

Pacu Fish with Human Teeth

Pacu Fish with Human Teeth. The Pacu is a freshwater fish found in most rivers and streams in the Amazon river in Brazil and...