The song of American Robin is the most melodious melody in the world. The male American Robin sings the most beautiful tune often the last bird heard as the sun sets. The American Robin is the state bird for Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
This is a migratory songbird of the true thrush genus and Turdidae, the wider thrush family. The male bird, as with many thrushes, has a multifaceted and almost continuous song.
The bird is usually described as a cheery carol, made up of discrete units, often repeated, and spliced together into a string with brief pauses in between. The melodious song varies regionally, and its style varies by time of day.
The song of American Robin usually starts from late February or early March to late July or early August; some birds, predominantly in the east, sing sporadically into September or later. They are habitually among the first songbirds to sing as dawn rises or hours before and last as evening sets in.
The song of American Robin is the most melodious melody in the world.
The song of American Robin is the most melodious melody in the world.
It is more often than not sung from a high perch in a tree. The song of the San Lucas subspecies (T. m. confinis) is weaker than that of the eastern subspecies (T. m. migratorius), and lacks any clear notes.
It has been observed that the American robin also sings when storms approach and again when storms have passed. Furthermore, its song has a number of calls used for communicating specific information, such as when a ground predator approaches and when a nest or another American robin is being directly threatened.
Even during the nesting season, when they display mostly competitive and territorial behavior, they may still band together to drive away a predator. However, this songbird is most sensitive to sounds in the 1-5 kHz range.
Nonetheless, songbirds have reasonably good auditory abilities as evidenced by numerous studies of song detection and discrimination. Sometimes its songs are “cheerily cheer-up cheerio”.
Female American Robin forcefully clacks their bill if approached while on the nest. This songbird habitually makes a mumbled cuck or tuk to converse with each other or a sharp yeep or peek as an alarm call.
According to research American Robins also sing at night because they’ve adapted to sing when there’s less city noise.
During the daytime, their melodious calls would be drowned out by the sounds of city noises, heavy machinery, and other urban sounds.
So instead, the American robins have started singing late at night and early in the morning. It is an active bird mainly during the day, and on its winter grounds, it assembles in large flocks at night to roost in trees in secluded swamps or dense vegetation.
Related Reading – Facts of American Robin


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