Linden Tree is tall and fast-growing, with an attractive, dense shape. They are used as shade trees and often as street trees. They bear dangling clusters of fragrant white flowers in early summer. Little leaf Linden or Tilia cordata a European tree is among the best. It grows up to 90 feet tall in a dense compact pyramid and is hardy to zone 4. Small, heart-shaped dark green leaves turn yellow in fall in cool climates.
Greenspire is a particularly well-shaped, fast-growing variety. American linden or basswood T. ameriana is a bit shorter and a bit hardier but it lacks the good fall color. Silver linden (T. tomentosa, also known as T. alba and T. argentea has leaves with whitish undersides that give the tree a silvery look when the wind blows; it is hardy to zone 5.
Well, if you want to grow Linden, then you should grow in deep fertile, moist but well-drained soil in sun or part shade. Plant them balled and burlapped. Young trees should be pruned in late winter to develop a strong central leader. And lower branches can be removed to allow movement under them. But in general, lindens develop a handsome, symmetrical shape on their own. Old trees can be thinned to remove deadwood and admit light.