Breastfeeding and cavities is the most common question, nursing mothers ask. The nutrients in breast milk prevent tooth decay, so nighttime nursing does not cause it. There is no scientific basis for the assertion that nighttime nursing causes tooth decay, which is simply anti-breastfeeding propaganda.
Is breastfeeding really a cause of cavities? Breastfeeding is contradicted by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). According to their official policy, breastfeeding ensures the best development health, and psychosocial outcomes for children at all times of the day and night. Before the first teeth erupted, they recommended avoiding on-cue nighttime breastfeeding, but that no longer stands.
Tooth decay in toddlers’ front teeth, as breastfeeding a child after the first tooth erupts is not recommended by the AAPD policy since it can lead to cavities. All children should not breastfeed before and after the first tooth erupts. This idea does not appeal. Studies provided on their own website also do not support this concept.
According to AAPD, breast milk prevents acid and bacterial growth in the mouth, which means you should breastfeed your child to prevent cavities. The report notes that breast milk by itself does not contribute to cavities, but when breast milk is alternated with sweet foods, cavities are promoted.
Breastfeeding and cavities is the most common question, nursing mothers ask. The nutrients in breast milk prevent tooth decay, so nighttime nursing does not cause it.
Breastfeeding and cavities is the most common question, nursing mothers ask. The nutrients in breast milk prevent tooth decay, so nighttime nursing does not cause it. Source 
It’s similar to what W.D. Miller reported in 1883 when he explained that a healthy tooth can resist acid, but a weak one will decay quickly. When a child has very weak teeth from too much sugar or grain bran and germ, it might seem that breast milk promotes cavities because anything with any sweetness will at that point promote cavities. Dental decay can be prevented by nursing at night.
In order to remain healthy, children under three years of age need breast milk on cue. In children over three, some breastfeeding may still be necessary at night so that they can sleep well. It is common for children to breastfeed at night without developing cavities. It is important to emphasize that long-term breastfeeding does not lead to an increased number of cavities.25 There is usually sugar added to commercial formulas. Bottle feeding at night will increase the risk of tooth decay if these formulas are used or fruit juices are consumed. Therefore, a nursing mother should care about breastfeeding and dental health.
The best food for your baby is breast milk. Therefore, the breast milk should not be condemned or avoided if your child suffers from decay because of other foods in their diet. Despite breast milk’s ability to prevent bacteria from infecting the mouth, many breastfed children develop tooth decay. When children regularly consume naturally antibacterial milk to retard decay, how can we say that bacteria cause tooth decay? During recent research into breastfeeding and cavities, it is discovered a very important and overlooked factor. Infants who have cavities may have been breastfed regularly for a long period of time.
When a person’s body chemistry is out of balance, cavities are likely to occur. When breast milk is considered the perfect food, how could it potentially unbalance a child’s body chemistry? Long-term breastfeeding causes the milk to become thicker and fattier. It would theoretically be possible for the mother to create a body chemistry imbalance over time if she consistently and mistakenly feeds her child more of the foremilk, which is sweeter and lower in fat.
It is also possible to cause an imbalance in breast milk by not drinking enough fluids or taking inharmonious substances. Hind milk is higher in fat and is consumed by a nourished child. As a result of its higher fat content, this milk will be digested more slowly by the baby. The child may receive excessive amounts of sweeter fore milk if breastfeeding is stressful or the mother does not allow full breastfeeding sessions. The best way to prevent cavities for your child is to breastfeed carefully. There is no doubt that breastfeeding is a sensitive issue.
Consequently, breastfeeding children can be supported on cue for long periods of time, even for up to seven years. A child’s age and physical development determine how much nutrition should be provided by food and breast milk. There is no need for weaning, but rather to find a balance between enough breastfeeding and enough solid food supplementation.
A child’s growth will be strengthened and prospered when he or she has the highest amount of vitamins and minerals in breast milk. In addition to high vitamin butter and liver or cod liver oil, breastfeeding mothers of children with significant tooth decay should supplement their diets with adequate calcium and vitamin C from food sources. Read More – Can Pregnancy Cause Cavities?


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