Bending reality: what does it mean? Essentially, bending reality seeks to determine how subjective reality is determined internally and externally. In order to develop real momentum, one must develop a mindset for it. This mindset starts with the belief that we can bend reality to our will. A person who lacks this belief will never be able to achieve great power or consistency in their endeavors. People with courage and freedom do not ignore their current circumstances, however, but see them as temporary.
All that is known can be replaced by new ideas and new worlds. The only commitment they have is to create the future they have imagined for themselves and their families. According to the great, “I can shape and change reality by my direct actions, so I will act with constancy to achieve my ideal life.” They believe their vision trumps reality; they know their circumstances are alterable with enough sweat, toil, and dedication, so their dreams are more important than their circumstances. There is a difference of opinion between victims and quitters.
Many people believe their reality is immutable, determined by others outside of themselves. There is only reality for them. “Tomorrow will be just like today and yesterday,” they tell themselves. A self-reliant person views reality more as fickle and able to be molded than as a fixed entity. Every aspect of their existence can be shaped, experimented with, and greatly enhanced. There is no need for things to remain the same as they are today.
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Bending reality: what does it mean? Essentially, bending reality seeks to determine how subjective reality is determined internally and externally.
Bending reality: what does it mean? Essentially, bending reality seeks to determine how subjective reality is determined internally and externally.
My reality is that I have no choice but to accept it. The way things are, and will always be, is the way they are. Life is merely a plod.” For them, surviving life is more important than shaping it. They lack any reason to act or advance because they believe that nothing changes. They also don’t have grand visions for themselves. Why would that be useful? Those with this mindset seem to have missed the large sign we should all have crossed on our way to maturity: “Well, if I can’t change anything, I’ll just settle for what random circumstance gives me.”
It is unfortunate that those who believe that reality can’t be shaped do little in life, and are unfortunately judged as weak, irresponsible, or forgettable. We have seen in nature and human history that real change is possible and inevitable, and if we direct it toward improving our lives and species, that is what will save us. Essentially, we seek to understand how we perceive reality. “Bending” captures the active nature of the mechanisms involved.
As we take this truth into our minds, let us ask ourselves, “What do I like about my reality and what do I dislike about it?” Have I been neglecting areas in my life hoping that they will get better without changing the reality in which I live? Is there anything I could change to feel more engaged, enthusiastic, and fulfilled in my life? Ultimately, our power comes from the simple questions that connect us to life. Experience alters synaptic connections by warping patterns of neural activity based on preconceived expectations. Hence bending reality is a bitter truth.
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