Search results for: shrubs

Gang-gang Cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum)

Family: Gang-gang Cockatoo inhabits eucalypt forests and heavily wooded areas of southeastern Australia. The cockatoo belongs to the family Cacatuidae. A single species of...

Keti Bunder – A Wildlife Sanctuary at Thatha, Sindh

Keti Bunder is part of the Indus Delta and is situated in Thatha district, Sindh, Pakistan. The diversity of avian dominance and the diversity...

Brussels Sprouts – The Ultimate Cool Weather Crop

Some vegetables, like lettuce and asparagus, are grown for the thrill of an early harvest of fresh-tasting produce for the table. Brussels sprouts are...

Noisy Scrubbird (Atrichornis clamosus)

The Noisy scrubbird (Atrichornis clamosus) is a terrestrial bird, that spends most of its time on or close to the ground in the dense...

Slaty-backed thornbill (Acanthiza robustirostris)

Slaty-backed thornbill (Acanthiza robustirostris) belongs to the Acanthizidae family. The species is endemic to Australia. Mulga woodlands of central-western Australia are home to this...

How Important Are Cultivating Herbs?

How Important Are Cultivating Herbs? Since no self-respecting modern cookbook leaves herbs out of its recipes, courses in herbal medicine are springing up all over...