Sinusitis Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the paranasal sinuses is known as sinusitis. Infections such as the common cold, influenza, and other general infections often follow. The sinuses or chambers on either side of the nasal passage sometimes become infected with germs that are normally eliminated from the body. A sinus is a cavity or chamber within the bones of the head and face.
There are four paranasal sinuses communicating with the nose: the frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, and sphenoid. A frontal sinus is located directly above the eyes on the frontal bone. Under the cheekbone, the maxillary sinuses are located on each side of the nose. The ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses are located behind the nose or on either side of the nose. By lightening the weight of the skull, these air sinuses make the voice more resonant.
Sinusitis Symptoms include constant or excessive sneezing, a running nose, blocked nostrils, headaches, and pressure around the eyes and face. It is common for sinus headaches to occur on the forehead and in the lower face, just below the eyes. There is a possibility that the patient will suffer from a low-grade fever, lack of appetite, loss of sense of appetite, as well as toothache. Due to breathing difficulties, he feels miserable. As a result of the blocked nose, his voice is also affected.

Due to catarrh, sinus passages become congested, resulting in sinusitis. The throat, nose, and head membranes secrete mucus in excess, causing this condition. As a result of irritation caused by toxic substances in the blood, over-secretion occurs. Therefore, a poor diet leads to sinus problems. Regular consumption of certain foods and beverages has a conditioning effect on the entire body. Due to this, some people are more susceptible to certain allergens, causing sinusitis.
The Cure
The faulty diet can be corrected to treat sinusitis effectively. A balanced diet is recommended for patients. The majority of people who suffer from sinus problems also suffer from acidity. Alkaline diets are therefore recommended for them. As salt accumulates in the tissues and eliminates calcium from the body, salt intake should be reduced to a minimum. Patients with fever should abstain from all solid foods during the acute phase of the disease. They should only drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water 50:50.
Once the fever subsides, he can switch to a low-calorie raw fruit and vegetable diet with plenty of raw juices. A well-balanced diet that includes seeds, nuts, and grains, along with vegetables and fruits, may be gradually introduced after the acute symptoms have subsided. Short juice fasts may be undertaken at intervals of two months for chronic conditions that persist over time.
The consumption of white sugar, white flour, rice, macaroni products, pies, cakes, and candies should be avoided by those with sinusitis. Spices, meat, and products with strong flavors should also be avoided. Ghee and butter should be used sparingly. Sweetening should be done with honey. Cooked foods should be prepared fresh for each meal. Taking vegetables in liberal quantities is recommended. Unless they belong to the citrus family, such as lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits, all fruits can be eaten.
Taking milk in liberal quantities is recommended due to its calcium content, which has a marked effect on reducing inflammation. Colds and sinus problems are best prevented by eating a diet rich in vitamin A. In the head and throat, vitamin A is known as the “membrane conditioner.” It can be found in whole milk, curds, egg yolks, pumpkin, carrots, leafy vegetables, tomatoes, oranges, mangoes, and papayas.
It is possible to get relief from sinus trouble by taking large therapeutic doses of vitamin A, such as 25,000 I.U. daily. Sinusitis can also be treated with vitamin C, and the patient should take one gram a day in two therapeutic doses of 500 mg per dose. Garlic and onions, which break up mucous congestion throughout the respiratory tract, are effective remedies for sinus problems. Starting with small mild doses and gradually increasing them is recommended.
These herbs can also be added to regular meals in moderate amounts for beneficial results. It is highly beneficial to use carrot juice combined with juices from beets, cucumbers, or spinach when treating sinus problems. Approximately 100 milliliters of juice from beets and cucumbers or 200 ml each 300 ml of spinach juice should be mixed with 200 ml of water. These combinations contain carrot juice.