Do you believe that we live in a troubled world? There is no doubt that we are living in a dangerous time for the people of the world. As a society, we live in an age of noise, numbness, and narcissism and there can be no denying that. It is apparent that most people waste their talents and attention on games, voyeurism, and sensationalism rather than developing self-mastery and being responsible for the well-being of others.
The glamorous, thrill, and vanity of fast, convenient, and self-expression has blinded us to the reality that what really matters is striving for excellence – both personally and collectively – and we have surrendered what really matters to their glamour, thrill, and vanity. As we moved away from the big visions and the sure bets, we now focus on the quick wins and the sure things. We have seen the concept of effort being replaced with the concept of entitlement over the past few decades.

It is fair to say that the dream of rising as a people has turned a page long ago in our age of conceit and self-love. It is so rare for someone to strive for greatness, and generation after generation fails to keep the line of human goodness and advancement. Why is that? Since both discipline and conflict are involved in holding others and ourselves to a higher standard, most people do not want to hold themselves or others to a higher standard.
So they don’t point out social injustices and excuse their poor behavior. Virtue, compassion, excellence, or wisdom are no longer firmly expected of themselves or others. Their bosses do wrong things, so they look the other way. Rather than being overly controlling with their children, they do not tell them to improve their behavior. Due to their desire not to appear bossy, they cannot tell the team to shape up.
Despite the fact that we lack the ability to lead our society, we have become a society of the silent and bland leading the silent and bland. It seems as though everyone is confused and complacent – everyone knows there is more to discover, but they do not want to get involved in attempting to organize themselves for that purpose. In order to indulge in our comforts, profits, and easygoing ways, it makes it easier for us to indulge in our comforts, profits, and easygoing ways. Our failure to be great leaders has been caused by these habits, which have reduced the effectiveness of our leadership skills.
There is an apathetic populace, unjust poverty, and unconscionable greed or greed that is evident in a world ravaged and booby-trapped by war. This path will not bring us good results, and we will have to pay a heavy price for a cheated destiny if we choose to continue down it. Is it not possible that we could do better if we put our minds to it?
Can anyone among us honestly say that we aren’t capable of doing better than what we are doing now? The naysayers will always say that we won’t be able to achieve our goals no matter what we do. Some people say that the world is on its way to hell and that there will be no hope for it after that. As a society, they believe that human beings cannot correct their mistakes because they are too sad and selfish to do so.
Is this something that you believe to be true? There are times when a person can be overwhelmed by the challenges in life to such a degree that they are unable to inspire themselves, much less inspire others. There are, however, some individuals who are doing their damnedest to try and change our world in the way they see fit.
Throughout their daily life, these individuals strive for a better tomorrow, actively seek learning and challenges in order to grow, and care deeply about their integrity and the character of their children in order to help them succeed in life. I believe that had it not been for the hard work, concern, and beautiful flame of goodness that burns within the souls of the majority of the world’s population; this planet would have perished long ago.
The mere fact that we exist shows an astounding preference for life and virtue in despite the fact that we have mastered the atom and the machinery of death in modern warfare. We are at a point in time where billions of people want the world to get better, and they want a cause to support, they want a vision to believe in, and they want a fight to wage for the improvement of the world.
In order for us to be able to contribute our creativity, sweat, and fire to something that really matters, something that betters our lives and others, we are looking forward to doing this. There is no more patience left in us. Now, this is the time for us to step up and take charge of the situation.