5 Things To Do In The Morning
The morning routine is the foundation for our whole day. How you start your morning, that’s how you’ll have your day. And you don’t want to be in a bad mood or feel annoyed all day. Such a state can have a bad impact on your plans, and in the worst case on your health. In order to be happy all day long, you can read about some simple actions that will add strength and confidence.

Take time for a new healthy habit
It’s no coincidence that this tip seems so basic: studies have shown that numerous activities have a favorable effect on mood. So it’s entirely up to you to make your decision.
You can, for example, practice meditation. It doesn’t have to be a long exercise: simply close your eyes and focus on your breathing for 10 breath-ins and breath-outs. Meditation will teach you to hear yourself better with frequent practice. This talent, according to research, is a good method to boost your life satisfaction.
Morning exercise is another option. Researchers at the University of Vermont in the United States discovered that 20 minutes of exercise can enhance your mood for up to 12 hours. That example, if you stretch in the morning, you will maintain a good mood throughout the day.
It’s simplest to create a healthy habit by tying it to an existing morning routine. For example, every morning you wake up, go to wash your face, and then make your bed. Link one of these daily routines to a habit you want to develop. Let’s say, after making your bed, sit down and read ten pages of a book. That way you’ll increase the chances of repeating the innovation every day and the good morning habit will take hold.

Put the phone away
Ideally, remove any screen gadgets from the bedroom altogether. This is important: if you pick up your phone (or switch on your iPad, laptop, or TV) first in the morning, you are allowing the outside world to set your mood for the day ahead.
There is a great deal of evidence that gadgets make people unhappy. According to one study, checking Facebook feeds on a frequent basis lowers life satisfaction and is harmful to one’s physical and mental health. In another, any social network causes people to become more worried and stressed.
Furthermore, the practice of using gadgets in the bedroom can have an impact on sleep quality. As a result, you will be sleepless in the morning and, as a result, more dissatisfied.
Talk to yourself, addressing yourself by name
People frequently engage in internal discussion. Especially in the mornings, when they have just awoken or are concerned about what lies ahead during a challenging day. If you use a simple strategy to refer to yourself by name, you can use such reflection to your benefit.
Talk to someone you admire
It could be a spouse, a child, a friend, a family, or even a coworker. The most important thing is that the person makes you feel good. And communication format isn’t as significant as it once was.
It’s possible that making a phone call isn’t even necessary. It’s enough to think about the person who means a lot to you and concentrate on his picture and best traits. Some scientists believe that this activity can help people relax.
Say “Thank you”
According to research, those who write down what they are grateful for in the world every day are happier than those who exclusively write down annoying moments. The habit of expressing thank you has even been linked to improved physical health. It promotes sleep and immunity, according to doctors at the Mayo Clinic in the United States. And the better one’s health is, the easier it is to live.
There are numerous ways to include appreciation in your morning routine. Many religions, for example, have a morning prayer. You can simply thank life for what you have if you are not religious. For example, a delicious breakfast, great work, or the chance to play with your young child. Try to thank life for everything first thing in the morning. It can lift your spirits for the rest of the day. Moreover, fresh juice is also a great initiative to kick a fresh day.