
The black-throated brilliant (Heliodoxa schreibersii)

Description The black-throated brilliant (Heliodoxa schreibersii) is a large uncommon hummingbird that is mainly found in South American countries Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil. This species is part of the...

Great frigatebird (Fregata minor)

Habitats: Great frigatebird (Fregata minor) neither walks nor swims, except accidentally, because it was adapted to live in...

14 Amazing Badass Trees That Refuse To Die

14 Amazing Badass Trees That Refuse To Die It is estimated that trees have been around us for about...

Red Avadavat (Amandava amandava)

IDENTIFICATION Red Avadavat is 9 cm in length.  This bird species is a locally established introduction from tropical Asia...

Bourke’s parrot (Neopsephotus bourkii)

Behavior & Habitats: In contrast to early parrots, Bourke's Parrot is moderately common throughout the mulga woods of...

Noor-ud-Din Zangi – Most Shrewd and Courageous Ruler

Sultan Noor-ud-Din Zangi also in Turkish known as Nûreddin Mahmud Zengi was one of the most courageous, shrewd, and belligerent rulers in Islamic history....

Qailulah (Midday Napping) is Good for Heart Health

Qailulah (Midday Napping) Does taking a Qailulah (Midday Napping) increase a person's lifespan? That's exactly what happens, according to a new study. According to research,...

How Much Water Does the Body Need in Ramadan?

How Much Water Does the Body Need in Ramadan? After air, water is the most important thing for human life. According to experts, a...

How Does One Become a Muslim?

If anyone wants to become Muslim, the first question in their minds comes. How Does One Become a Muslim? Hence, the process by which...

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

Cleanliness is next to Godliness as one of the good qualities. It is a part of our civilization. A man with dirty habits is...

The Devil in the Shape of a Woman

The Devil in the Shape of a Woman - There was a pious and fortunate lady in the period of Hadrat Issa (A.S). She...

Mount Judi – A Mountain Where Hazrat Noah (A.S) Ark Rested

Mount Judi refers to a place of descent, the location where the Prophet Noah's (PBUH) Ark came to rest after the Great Flood by...

Larabanga Mosque and Mystic Stone

Larabanga Mosque and Mystic Stone - Larabanga is a small town in Western Gonja in Northern Region, 5 miles from Mole National Park. It...

Zamzam Well – Miraculously-Generated Source of Water

People need water for almost everything but not all water carries the same value and significance. Muslims refer to the water of Zamzam well...

The Beautiful Tent City of Mina

Mina is a small city, also known as “Tent City” in a neighborhood of Makkah in western Saudi Arabia. Mina is located about five...