Family: Neblina metaltail (Metallura odomae) is a rare species of hummingbird in the family Trochilidae.

Identification: Both sexes are green above and paler with speckles below. The male also has a deep red throat patch, and a white dot behind the eye, while the female, mottled with white below an incomplete throat patch, is only lightly speckled with red. The tail is bronzy or dark blue on the upper side, depending on the light.

Feed: A hardy species, this hummingbird continues to feed actively in weather conditions bad enough to drive other local hummingbirds to more sheltered spots. The male is territorial, defending clusters of favorite flowers such as Castilleja. The female builds a cup nest, using moss as the main material, in a location where there is some shelter from the prevailing wind.

A hardy species, this hummingbird continues to feed actively in weather conditions bad enough to drive other local hummingbirds to more sheltered spots.
A hardy species, this hummingbird continues to feed actively in weather conditions bad enough to drive other local hummingbirds to more sheltered spots. Photo Credit: Roger Ahlman PN Yacuri, Zamora-Chinchipe

Like most metaltails, this species is confined to a small geographic range. It was formerly classified as near-threatened, but surveys of its habitat in the 1990s revealed that it was quite common in several areas, although it is declining.

The neblina metaltail, is also known as métallure du Chinguela, or metalura del Chinguela. Its natural habitats are high-altitude shrubland. It is threatened by habitat loss.

Distribution: Neblina Metaltail is mostly found in the subtropical or tropical moist montane forest of South Ecuador and the far north of Peru.

Habitats: Its natural habitats are remote high-altitude scrubland, paramo, and damp, stunted forest near tree line; 8,550–11,000 ft (2,600–3,350 m)

Size Length: The average size length is 37⁄8–43⁄8 in (10–11 cm).

Weight: The hummingbird’s average weight falls 5 to 5.5 g

Status: The population trend is decreasing and threatened to be of least concern.

Read More: The Glowing Puffleg (Eriocnemis vestita)

The Bronzy and Greenish Neblina Metaltail (Metallura odomae) is a species of Scarce high Andean hummingbird in the family Trochilidae.
The Bronzy and Greenish Neblina Metaltail (Metallura odomae) is a species of scarce-high Andean hummingbird in the family Trochilidae. Photo Credit: Nick Athanas


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