Screens allow people to enjoy the great outdoors, but they’re also crucial for preventing flying debris and other unwanted elements from entering your house. Broken screens could be anything from a tear in the mesh to a bent frame, so you should get them repaired as soon as possible. You can fix your screens relatively quickly if you can locate a repair professional.
Don’t work at their maximum efficiency
Screens are an essential part of your windows, but they don’t work at their best efficiency if they’re dirty. Not only do dirty screens obstruct your view of the outside world, but they also decrease the airflow and ventilation in your home. So if you’re looking for ways to make your windows more energy efficient, consider cleaning them regularly or hire professionals from Michigan Screen & Window Repair.
You can use ammonia and warm water to clean your screens. Then, using a microfiber cloth or sponge, you can scrub away dust and debris. Avoid power washing your screens because it may damage the screen’s integrity.
The best way to clean your screens is by using a cleaning solution. Use a mild dish detergent that won’t irritate your eyes and respiratory system. Don’t use household ammonia, which can be hazardous to your health.
It won’t effectively remove caked-on dirt and is harder to rinse off. If you’re concerned about the safety of the cleaning solution, you can use Simple Green Ready-To-Use All-Purpose Cleaner, which will remove built-up dirt and leave behind a pleasant sassafras scent.
Prevent insects from flying or crawling into a house
Insects can easily slip through tiny cracks in screens and get inside your home. If your windows are open, add caulk around the screens and seal any gaps; it prevents insects from flying or crawling inside.
Additionally, it would be best if you sprayed the screens with citronella every once in a while. This method is effective and affordable. You should apply it a few times a month, more often if you live in an area where bugs are expected.
Insects can cause many health problems for you and your family. Keeping insect screens clean is a necessary precaution to prevent the spread of diseases. Flies are infamous for settling on food and decomposing objects. In addition, they are capable of transporting viruses and bacteria. If you want your home to be safe, you should invest in high-quality screens.
Another way to prevent insects from flying or crawling into your home is to wash your dishes immediately after using them. Fungus gnats are attracted to rotting food, so if you leave your dishes in the sink, there’s a chance they’ll find a way in.
Reduce sunlight and heat
Screens that reduce sunlight and heat are beneficial for various reasons. They reduce heat from the sun, which can damage woodwork and furnishings. They also keep insects out. Screens that are denser in material minimize the heat that enters a room. Also, they allow for more air circulation, which is better for your interior air quality. It would be best to consider your needs when choosing the right screen.
Cheaper than replacement
Screens on your windows are a great way to keep pests out. Unfortunately, water can leak into the building if your screen is ripped or damaged. To avoid this situation, consider cleaning your screens regularly. The good news is that cleaning them is much cheaper than replacement!