I’m forgetting tomorrow I know I’m supposed to do something. I just can’t remember what it is. I need to stay focused and remember. The fact that so many people are checking out today is due to their concern for tomorrow. There is a secret fear among some that tomorrow will be worse than today. Their minds are filled with thoughts of tomorrow’s hardships. They are unable to enjoy the blessings of the present due to their fear of the future. The concern of others is that tomorrow will be no different from today, but rather will be no worse.

What makes their lives so boring? Why can’t they have a more exciting life? There is no guarantee that tomorrow will be any different from today. “Just another replay of the same old routine.” The sad reality is that they are right until they learn to grasp their present experience with renewed fervor. There are others who see the future in a different way- they are the daydreamers who are lost in positive thoughts about their future.
Sitting at their desks, they often let their minds drift into visions of tomorrow, and nothing brings them back except a phone call. It is unfortunately rare for their feet to land in Now. It seems that they are always wishing for a star, but not taking advantage of their experience or progressing in life here on earth. If it brings you joy or instruction, traveling into the future is nothing to be ashamed of. It must be a brief journey and must never come at the cost of taking control of the hour. You should plan and dream, when essential, but don’t let them distract you from the magic, tasks, and people around you.
By forgetting tomorrow behind, you are taking another step forward in your journey of self-reformation. Indeed, you are moving on to a better future and breaking away from any bad experiences that you may have had in the past. Don’t think too much about the future, leave tomorrow’s thoughts and live in today.

While it is possible to imagine a better future for segments of time, it is only at this moment that a better future can be built. The masters of this life never lose sight of this very moment, regardless of their memories or dreams for tomorrow. Having benefited from yesterday without longing for it, hopeful for tomorrow without obsessing over it, they live serenely in the Now.
Whenever possible, they direct their attention and affection toward their immediate surroundings. The question “Is my mind alert now?” these notions frequently arises in their minds. Do I pay proper attention to what is going on around me, and am I absorbing it all? Does this life feel real to me? Do I put all my energy into what’s in front of me and what matters? Therefore, forgetting tomorrow is the worst thing you can do. Live life as much as you can. Tomorrow wasn’t seen by anyone, so why worried thinking about it?
Related Reading: Leaving Tomorrow To Chance