Commercial Kitchen Fitout Guide

The last thing you want when your restaurant is in full swing is to be looking at a mess of wires, pipes, and ducts. That’s why we’re here: to help you design a kitchen fitout that works well and doesn’t break the bank. So let’s get started with this commercial kitchen fitout guide prepared by taking help from expert commercial kitchen designers from Martain Stainless Steel

Design a floor plan

The first step in designing a kitchen is to create a floor plan. A floor plan will help you determine how much space you need, where each food storage and preparation area should be located, and how much light there needs to be in the room. The best way to create your floor plan is by drawing it out on paper or using an online program like SketchUp or Google SketchUp Pro (which can be free).
Once you have created your design, it’s time for some measurements. Take note of these measurements as they will be used later when planning out cabinets, countertops, and appliances.

Place everything where it makes the most sense

The first step in planning your kitchen is to think about where everything will go. You can do this by drawing it out on paper, or using a simple diagram like this one:
  • Work areas (such as prep tables and butcher blocks) should be located close to the main work area so that they are easy to access.
  • Storage should generally be located near sinks, refrigerators, and dishwashers so that you don’t have to walk too far when moving items around your space. Make sure there’s enough room for all of these things at each location as well.
  • Cleaning supplies should also be placed close by—this includes mops/buckets/cloths etc., which are used often throughout different stages of cleaning tasks (for example: prepping food). It’s best if these items aren’t too far away from each other either.

Consider what is cheap, easy, and effective

When it comes to your kitchen, you need to consider what is cheap, easy, and effective. You can do this by using the things that you have in your garage or shed. For example:
  • If there are some old worktops and cupboards lying around, they might be perfect for your new kitchen. Don’t go overboard on features though – it’s better to stick with a basic layout than spend money on something more complex that isn’t needed.
  • Don’t skimp on quality either. You don’t want any cracking tiles or rusty fittings lurking under all those fresh laminate flooring squares that look so pretty but could be causing safety issues if they get damaged during use (remember: safety first).

Hire a contractor you can trust

Hiring a contractor is one of the most important decisions you can make when it comes to your kitchen design. After all, no matter how much you love your dream space and its aesthetic, if the work isn’t done well then it won’t matter how lovely or spacious it is.
So what should you look out for in a contractor? Here are some things to consider:
  • Ask for references from previous clients. This might seem obvious but many people fail to do this before hiring someone else services because they assume that if they’ve got good reviews then everything will be fine right away. This isn’t always true though – sometimes people leave bad reviews because their experience wasn’t as great as theirs was at first; other times there could be issues with communication between client and contractor (for example when deadlines were missed). So ask around. You’ll get feedback from different sources which could help inform future decisions about who works best for what kind of project (and whether there’s anything else worth investigating before handing over cash).

Make sure everyone is on the same page

  • Make sure everyone is on the same page.
  • Be clear about what your project involves, who’s responsible for each part of it and when it will be finished.
  • Establish a budget so that you know how much money you have to spend.
  • Decide how long it will take you to complete each task 
  • List out roles and responsibilities; write down who does what in case anything gets missed out or changed unexpectedly during the construction phase due to last-minute changes by clients or contractors etc.


We hope these tips help you design a kitchen that is easy to use and looks great. If you follow them, we think you will be able to create a space that is both functional and beautiful. Remember, there are no rules when it comes to creating your own fitout – just take care of yourself by staying organized and making sure everyone on the team has the right information before moving forward with any decisions.
Commercial Kitchen Fitout Guide
Commercial Kitchen Fitout Guide. Work areas (such as prep tables and butcher blocks) should be located close to the main work area so that they are easy to access. Photo Credit – Pexels


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