Cat Lovers

The Brief History of Yellowstone National Park

The Brief History of Yellowstone National Park. The experience of visiting Yellowstone has changed considerably since the days of George Cowan. The pioneering explorer set a new standard for...

The Mind-blowing Giant Groundsels (Dendrosenecio kilimanjari)

The ancient plants known as Giant Groundsels (Dendrosenecio kilimanjari) are located atop Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. They arose...

Why is Sea Blue?

Why is Sea Blue? This is a very odd thing because the sea is also wet and spread...

The Goldenrod Flowers

Solidago commonly called Goldenrod is a genus of about 100 to 120 species of flowering plants in the...

Dazzling Series of Siamese Fighting Fish

Visarute Angkatavanich is a commercial photographer right now living in Bangkok, Thailand. He takes mind-blowing portrait pictures of...

Jaguarundi: A Small and Beautiful South American Cat

The enigma is the jaguarundi (Puma Yagouaroundi). This small South American cat looks different from any other small feline and shows some behavioral similarities...

Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus)

The fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) is the only species named for its habits and diet, but several cat species will catch and eat fish...

Bobcat (Lynx rufus)

The bobcat (Lynx rufus) was once considered the southern form of the Canada lynx. However, the fossils and DNA studies show that bobcats' ancestors...

Pallas’s Cat (Otocolobus manul)

The Pallas's Cat is a little feline with a squat body, short legs, and a shaggy coat. It looks like a pug or Pekingese...

Ocelot Cats – Perfectly Patterned to Blend Sunlight and Shadows

Ocelot cats (Leopardus pardalis) are perfectly patterned to blend in with a world of dappled sunlight and shadows. Ocelot fur is short, sleek, and...

The Aging Cat

AGING CAT The average life expectancy of well-cared-for cats is 14 or 15 years, with some occasionally reaching 20 years. More cats are kept indoors...

5 Fun Facts About Scottish Fold Cats

5 Fun Facts About Scottish Fold Cats Scottish fold cats are known for their gentle personality and friendly nature. They are named after their folded...

Essential Pet Care Tips for New Pet Owners

Pet Care Tips: If you ask us, one of the best companions you can have in life comes in the shape of an adorable animal....

Serval Cat – A Wild African Cat

A Serval Cat (Leptailurus serval) spotted shape becomes indistinct and reappears as a light breeze shuffles the grass on Tanzania's Serengeti Plain. He still...

5 Best Ways to Keep Your Cat Healthy

Best Ways to Keep Your Cat Healthy Cats are one of the most interesting, beautiful, and weird creatures. You might want to consider yourself lucky...