
Helleborus lividus corsicus (CORSICAN HELLEBORE)

Helleborus lividus corsicus is an evergreen perennial Corsican hellebore. It is also known as Helleborus argutifolins and before that simply as H. corsicus, is one of the gems of...

World’s Most Beautiful Bird Resplendent Quetzal

The Resplendent Quetzal is considered the world's most beautiful bird. It is mostly found in vibrantly colored living...

Radiant Beauty of Bullock’s Oriole – North American Songbird

Physical characteristics: Bullock's Oriole is a species of bird in the family Icteridae, native to North America. It...

Pineapples: The Versatile Tropical Fruit Delight You Need to Try

Description: Pineapples are a tropical fruit that grows on a plant of the same name. The fruit is large,...

Dahlia semicactus – From Tuber To Flower

Dahlia semicactus – From Tuber To Flower. Dahlias can be grown in any type of garden, either individually...

Helleborus lividus corsicus (CORSICAN HELLEBORE)

Helleborus lividus corsicus is an evergreen perennial Corsican hellebore. It is also known as Helleborus argutifolins and before that simply as H. corsicus, is...

Epemedium Flower – Look Like Maidenhair Fern

Epemedium grandiflorum is also called “bishop’s hat” is one of my favorite ground covers. It is one of those plants which look like maidenhair...

Blueberries – A Super Fruit, Everyone Like to Grow

Blueberries are so healthy, highly rich in nutrition, and decrease the risk of colon cancer. It is excellent for brain power and decreases belly...

Where to Spot Wildlife in Yellowstone National Park

Where to Spot Wildlife in Yellowstone National Park - Among the most important wildlife habitats on earth, Yellowstone is considered to be one of...

Hummingbirds – The Little Jewels of Flight 2

A selection of Hummingbirds that occur in Ventura County, California either as resident breeders, or seen during their migration in the spring or fall....

Musk Ox (Ovibos moschatus)

Length & Height: Musk Ox length is about 6 feet and the height at the shoulder, is 3 feet 6 inches. Description: In spite of their...

Ashy-crowned sparrow lark: Admiring the Elegant Role in Ecosystem

Ashy-crowned sparrow lark is a medium-sized bird, mainly found in arid open land with bare ground and grass in South Asia. In India (Bengali,...

White-bellied Emerald (Chlorestes candida)

IDENTIFICATION - The White-bellied Emerald (Chlorestes candida) resembles the Azure-crowned Hummingbird (Saucerottia cyanocephala) but it is smaller and has all white underparts. It has...

Wild Carrot Queen Anne’slace Flower

Queen Annne’slace whose common names includes wild carrot, bird's nest, bishop's lace, and Queen Anne's lace (North America). The Wild Carrot is a white,...

Cicadabird (Edolisoma tenuirostre)

Habitat: Cicadabirds (Edolisoma tenuirostre) utter sporadic bursts throughout the day only when they advertise or signal their territory during breeding season. Often several hundred...