
Double-barred Finch: A Feathered Jewel of Australia

Double-barred finch (Stizoptera bichenovii) is widespread in the better-watered grassy woodlands of northern and eastern Australia. It is also known as Black-rumped Double-bar, Banded Finch, Bicheno Finch, Black-ringed Finch,...

Crested Pigeon: A Stocky Pigeon with an Amazing Conspicuous Thin Black Crest

Family: The crested pigeon (Geophaps tophotes) is a member of the pigeon family Columbidae in the genus Ocyphaps. Habitat:...

Red-tailed Tropicbird: A Stunning Marvel of the Skies

Family: The red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda) is a stunning marvel of skies and belongs to the family Phaethontidae. Diet:...

The Small Australian Fernwren

Australian Fernwren (Crateroscelis gutturalis) foraging habitat is the litter of the forest floor under upland rainforests in northeastern...

The Breathtaking Real Life of Svetloe Lake in Serbia

The real-life Svetloe Lake is located near Urozhainoe village which means “Prolific” in Siberia. It is also known...

The Channel-Billed Toucan

The Channel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos vitellinus) is a toucan that is found in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana and in tropical South...

Gouldian Finch (Erythrura gouldiae)

Gouldian Finch is bold coloring and has brought the brilliant finch fame as a caged bird and misfortune in the wild. Once widespread through...

The Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis)

In the right terms, "Sialia" is the Latinized, neuter plural version of the Greek word sialis, a noun meaning a "kind of bird." The...

Noisy Scrubbird (Atrichornis clamosus)

The Noisy scrubbird (Atrichornis clamosus) is a terrestrial bird, that spends most of its time on or close to the ground in the dense...

Slaty-backed thornbill (Acanthiza robustirostris)

Slaty-backed thornbill (Acanthiza robustirostris) belongs to the Acanthizidae family. The species is endemic to Australia. Mulga woodlands of central-western Australia are home to this...

Savi’s warbler (Locustella luscinioides)

Savi's warbler belongs to the grass warbler genus Locustella. It measures 13–14 cm long. Europe and the western Palearctic are its breeding grounds. A...

Albert’s Lyrebird (Menura alberti)

Albert's Lyrebird (Menura alberti) is smaller and more russet than the Superb Lyrebird. The Albert's Lyrebird also has a much smaller distribution, inhabiting the...

Rufous Scrubbird (Atrichornis rufescens)

The Rufous Scrubbird (Atrichornis rufescens) lives only in Australia, making it a very distinctive species of bird. Under the cover of dense vegetation, they...

Hooded Pitohui – The First Documented Poisonous Bird

The hooded pitohui (Pitohui dichrous) is a pitohui of New Guinea and is one of few recognized poisonous birds in the world. Both males...

The Fire-tailed Sunbird

Some birds are extremely eye-catching to see, and the first word you say is “wow.”. The fire-tailed sunbird is among those birds that have...