North America

Black-tailed Treecreeper (Climacteris melanura)

Black-tailed treecreepers (Climacteris melanurus) are endemic to north and northwestern Australia. It belongs to the family Climacteridae. Black-tailed treecreepers have pale wing stripes that contrast with their near-black plumage...

Fiordland Penguin: Masters of the Underwater Maze

The Fiordland Penguin's (Eudyptes pachyrhynchus) head adornments most likely assist swimming birds in recognizing individuals of their species,...

Scarlet Robin (Petroica boodang)

The scarlet robin (Petroica boodang) is a common passerine bird genus Petroica and belongs to the family Petroicidae....

The Footprint of Acrocathosaurus Dinosaurs

The Footprint of Acrocathosaurus Dinosaurs has been discovered in Texas. After severe droughts cause water levels to drop,...

Montagu’s Harrier – Graceful Flight is Characterized by Powerful and Elegant Wingbeats

Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus) is 43–47 cm in length with a wingspan of 105–125 cm. The male weight...

Wahclella Falls – An Incredible Waterfall in Oregon

Multnomah County, Oregon, United States, contains Wahclella Falls, a waterfall that flows along Tanner Creek. Within the Columbia River Gorge, it enters the river....

Pyramid Lake – The Largest Natural Lakes in Nevada

Pyramid Lake is the geographic sink of the Truckee River Basin. Mainly fed by the Truckee River, which is mostly the outflow from Lake...

Lechuguilla Cave: Jewel of Branched Underground Cave

Lechuguilla Cave is the 8th longest explored cave in the world. The 222.6 km is the second-deepest cave (1,604 ft) in Carlsbad Caverns National...

1500 Years Old Angel Oak Tree in South Carolina

The Angel Oak Tree is a Southern live oak located in Angel Oak Park on John's Island near Charleston, South Carolina. The exact date...

Lake Lure in NC – A Sanctuary For Serenity and Relaxation

Lake Lure in NC was a small town, and it was incorporated in 1927. It is located in Rutherford County, United States. The area...

Horseshoe Bend – Ultimate Experience of Mother Nature

Horseshoe bend is located 5 miles downstream from Glen Canyon Dam Lake Powell within Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, about 4 miles southwest of...

A Complete Guide to Planning Your Next Trip to Pittsburgh

Planning Your Next Trip to Pittsburgh Pittsburgh is a city that attracts many tourists from all over the world because of its unique nature and...

Lake Lure Flowering Bridge in North Carolina

A nature lover cannot ignore the stunning beauty of Lake Lure Flowering Bridge, which is home to rare attractions of Lake Lure. A brisk...

Lake Wales Ridge Wildlife and Environmental Area

Lake Wales Ridge is an important wildlife and environmental area. This is a unique, arid, oak scrub and endemic threatened plants and animals are...

Salt Pan of Devil’s Golf Course of Death Valley

The Devil's Golf Course is a huge salt pan on the floor of Death Valley, situated in the Mojave Desert in eastern California. Though...