Do you have Crooked Teeth? Actions to Take? Hmmm, do not panic if you notice that your teeth are crooked, overcrowded, or under-crowded. Braces do not have to be cemented on the teeth in order to straighten them and align the jaw. The first thing you need to do if your child is very young is to strictly adhere to the diet. Through the food you give your child to nourish his body as a toddler, up until he is five or six years old, you can drastically change his bite development.
Homeopathic mineral salts could be added daily if you are dealing with specific issues. As everyone’s chemical makeup is slightly different, along with age and weight, speak to your homeopath about types and dosages. Don’t forget to provide your growing child with raw milk products from grass-fed cows. Depending on the state, raw milk can be sold under different laws.
You can find local farms that offer dairy-cow boarding or co-op milk by searching the internet for “raw milk dairy” in your area. Check out the farm, meet the farmer, and ask questions so that you know the cows are fed a sanitary diet and are being raised appropriately on a green pasture. A variety of raw cheeses can be found at health food stores and high-end grocery stores if you cannot obtain raw milk products directly from the farm.
In the case of severe jaw displacement or severely crooked teeth in older children and adults, a Dental Orthopedic should be consulted. In contrast to orthodontists who simply seek to align teeth, dental orthopedics aims to align the jaws and craniums to their natural positions, thus allowing teeth to straighten naturally without the use of braces. Instead of separating the teeth and jaw from the rest of the body, dental orthopedics considers the entire cranial structure.
Additionally, dental orthopedic doctors have a comprehensive understanding of how the cranial structure and jaw interact with each other as well as all of the complex systems in the body that affect our health and well-being. The human being is a holistic organism, so it is important to consider him or her as an entire entity. Dr. Gerald H. Smith explains that “all mechanical tensions applied to the teeth will be reflected into the cranial system, which, if designed correctly, can enhance a patient’s quality of life and correct cranial lesions.”