Glow-in-the-dark ice cream is real but that’s not even the weirdest part. Its key ingredient is jellyfish protein, which makes each lick brighter and more luminous. Once the protein extracted from jellyfish reacts with the warm temperature of a tongue, the PH level of the tongue increases to a higher level, reasoning the ice cream to glow. Charlie Francis, a British entrepreneur founded the ice cream company Licks Me I’m Delicious and invented the fluorescent ice cream.
Francis came up with this stunning idea after studying jellyfish, and he worked with a China scientist to chemically recreate the jellyfish protein in synthetic form. Since jellyfish protein is so expensive, one scoop sells for $225.
Although; the high value is not disappointing the business chefs and customers from trying the gleaming dessert. He said; I grew up on an ice cream farm in the South of Wales, and I have always made ice cream.
At Lick Me I’m Delicious, we can make any flavor of ice cream for our clients. Those concerned about eating part of a sea creature famous for its toxic sting will be relieved to be acquainted with that jellyfish protein is safe to eat at least according to Francis. “Is it safe to eat? Well, I tried some, and I don’t seem to be glowing anywhere, so we shall go with a yes for now.
Famous for its original and sometimes bizarre ice-cream flavors, Lick Me I’m Delicious offers an unusual assortment of choices, including roast beef, horseradish, Yorkshire pudding, lamb and mint, cheddar cheese, dark port and stilto cheese, and raspberry mojito.
What’s more, the company once created ice cream with a fire extinguisher and uses a unique ice-cream-making device known as the “Ice Cream Pottery Gramophone Machine. He plans to make more unconventional ice cream flavors in the future, including invisible ice cream and the hottest ice cream in the world.