Is Ketogenic The Best Diet to Lose Weight?

You heard about the ketogenic diet and its impact on body fat, but do not know what it is or how to maintain a ketogenic diet, or whether it is nice for your body or not. Then you have come to the right place.
With the rising problems of metabolic disease and obesity worldwide, it has become hard to maintain a healthy diet. At the same time, different types of diets have been invented to come up with solutions to battle the problems and the ketogenic diet is one of those. This article will unfold all the aspects of a ketogenic diet.

What is a Ketogenic Diet?

A ketogenic diet is a planned diet with high fat, medium protein, and low carbohydrate, where the main aim is to burn the excess fat in the body as the source of energy. In this process, the body converts the body fat into ketones. The ketones molecules are supplied to the brain as energy. As a result, the brain starts to burn ketones as a source of energy instead of carbohydrates.
Is Ketogenic The Best Diet to Lose Weight?
Is Ketogenic The Best Diet to Lose Weight – Due to less carbohydrate intake, problems like constipation, headache, low mood, irritability, dizziness, and cravings may arise?

Is Ketogenic Diet Really Helpful to Lose Weight?

The medical team at Healthcanal said that the ketogenic diet is a controlled combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, but that doesn’t mean the fiber intake would be high. Did you not get it? In a ketogenic diet, you take low carbohydrate foods and medium amounts of protein, but the fat taken by the body is not the dietary fat. It is the excess fat that is already in the body. Thus, a lack of adequate energy converts the source of power, and the body starts to release excess fat as energy molecules.
There are several study data available that show the impact of the ketogenic diet and the body’s reaction to it. Some studies show that a ketogenic diet is more effective than a low-calorie or low-fat diet.
In 2007 a study was arranged, where there were two groups of people. The first group was under the low carbohydrate diet, and the second group was given a low-fat diet. The study ran for 6 months and the result was astonishing. The low carbs group significantly loses 3 times more weight than the low-fat group people.
The above chart shows the exact transformation. Other studies also show that a ketogenic diet may reduce LDL cholesterol and high blood pressure. It also improves the metabolism of the body. People who have less time to calculate their daily calorie intake may opt for a ketogenic diet.
The ketogenic diet typically decreases the number of carbohydrates by more than 50 percent of the daily needs. It was the most used diet plan in the 19th century and is still working.
According to, a ketogenic diet may show the following results.
  • Due to a high-fat diet, the craving for food gets reduced.
  • The release of appetite hormones like insulin and ghrelin.

Foods in a Ketogenic Diet

As the ketogenic diet is high in fat and low in carbs, there are some specific foods that are included, and at the same time, the high-carb foods are taken out. Let’s see what types of foods a ketogenic diet has.
Included Foods:
  • Egg
  • Chicken
  • Butter
  • Oil
  • Nut
  • Avocado
  • Heavy creams
  • Seeds
  • Low carbohydrate vegetables
Eliminated Foods
  • Rice
  • Grains
  • Potato
  • Sweets
  • Fruits
  • High carbohydrate vegetables
  • Meat
  • Beans
  • Cereals

Probable Side Effects

Due to less carbohydrate intake, problems like constipation, headache, low mood, irritability, dizziness, and cravings may arise. Although, adequate water intake and calorie maintenance may solve the problems.
There are some serious side effects suggested by the doctors. A long-term ketogenic diet increases the chance of developing diseases like increased blood levels of uric acid which creates problems in the guts, kidney stones, and osteoporosis.
Other symptoms like weariness and dizziness are very relevant.
The ketogenic diet typically decreases the amount of carbohydrates by more than 50 percent of the daily needs.
Is Ketogenic The Best Diet to Lose Weight – The ketogenic diet typically decreases the number of carbohydrates by more than 50 percent of the daily needs.

Alternative to the Keto diet

The Keto diet might be the key to losing weight. However, it is more effective if you combine the power of the keto diet with taking Keto diet pills, according to  Sean Newton, whose expertise is in the health & wellness area. Fat-burning pills suppress your appetite, allowing you to eat less. They, like dietary fiber sources, may deceive your body into thinking it is fuller than it is. Alternatively, they may alter some components of body chemistry, causing the ‘hungry’ signals to be disrupted.

The Final Words

Summing up the above facts, it can be said that a ketogenic diet may be a good option for overweight people. It can significantly improve the metabolic health of the body and reduce the chance of developing diseases like chronic constipation, and type 2 diabetes. But thinking about the potential risk factors, doctor consultation is too important to negotiate. People on a ketogenic diet must try to monitor their daily calorie intake.


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