Nephritis Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Nephritis is a condition in which the kidneys are inflamed. The condition may be acute or chronic. Several different diseases can be included under the term nephthritis, including Bright’s disease (1789-1858), which is a synonym for the term. Children and adolescents are most likely to be affected by this disease. The condition can worsen and even result in death if not treated properly at an early stage. It may, alternatively, subside into a chronic stage where the patient gets better, but not too much.
Acute nephritis symptoms are characterized by pain in the kidneys that extends down to the uterus, fever, dull back pain, and scanty, highly colored urine. When the kidneys are damaged, urine may contain blood, albumin, and clumps of red and white blood cells.
A puffy face and swelling in the feet and ankles are present in the patient. Patients with chronic nephritis may pass large amounts of albumin in their urine for many years. The patient may develop uraemia later on as a result of a rise in blood pressure. Especially at night, frequent urination may occur.
A streptococcal infection of the throat or an attack of scarlet fever or rheumatic fever usually results in nephritis. However, nephritis is caused by the same factors as kidney diseases generally, such as wrong diet, excessive drinking, and suppressive treatment. Ingestion and other stomach disorders are commonly treated with chemical agents and aspirin and other pain relievers are frequently used.
There is also a chance to develop nephritis due to nutritional deficiencies. It has been reported that diets deficient in the B vitamin, choline, have caused the disease in a variety of species of animals. Nephrotic syndrome can also occur in animals lacking essential fatty acids and magnesium. Oxalic acid crystals combined with calcium further damage the kidneys when vitamin B6 and magnesium are undersupplied. An insufficient supply of vitamin E can also lead to nephritis.
When it comes to acute nephritis, fasting is the best treatment. Inflammatory kidney conditions are caused by toxins and systemic impurities that are rapidly removed during a fast. For seven to ten days, the patient should fast on juice until the acute symptoms subside. In this period, you should mainly drink vegetable juices like carrots, celery, and cucumbers. The self-cleansing process resulting from fasting should be cleansed with a warm water enema every day to clear your bowels of toxic matter.
A four or five-day all-fruit diet may follow the juice fast. Consume juicy fruits at five-hourly intervals during this time, such as apples, grapes, oranges, pears, peaches, and pineapples. A fruit and milk diet can be adopted after the patient has been on an all-fruit diet.
Because the fruit diet may be supplemented with milk, preferably raw goat’s milk, for an additional seven days. After that, the patient can gradually transition to a vegetarian diet made up of fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and low-protein vegetarian options.
It is possible to undertake a three-day juice fast for chronic nephritis. After that, a restricted diet may be followed for a week or ten days. It is possible to take oranges or orange juice for breakfast in this regimen. Dinner may consist of one or two vegetables steamed in their juices and a few nuts, and lunch may consist of a salad of raw vegetables in season. As the patient’s health improves, he or she may gradually adopt a diet that is low in protein and well balanced. After two or three months, short juice fasts followed by a week on a restricted diet should be repeated until the kidney condition has stabilized.
Among the vegetables the patient should avoid are spinach and rhubarb, which contain large amounts of oxalic acid. It is also prohibited to consume chocolate and cocoa because they contain oxalic acid. Among the best vegetables are garlic, asparagus, parsley, watercress, cucumber, and celery. Bananas and papayas are the best fruits. The effects of both are beneficial to the kidneys. Cottage cheese and soured milk can be included in the diet in small amounts. It is recommended to eliminate all salt from the diet. Instead of a few large meals, five or six smaller ones should be eaten.
An effective home remedy for nephritis is carrot juice mixed with honey and lime juice. Daily, it should be taken before breakfast in the morning. The low protein and salt content of bananas as well as their high carbohydrates make them valuable in the treatment of nephritis. This condition should be treated with a banana diet for three or four days, consuming eight to nine bananas per day. There must be complete abstinence from smoking and drinking, where these habits are habitual.
Patients should avoid white bread, sugar, greasy, heavy, or fried foods, as well as cakes, pastries, puddings, and refined cereals. Besides avoiding tea and coffee, he should also avoid meats, condiments, pickles, and sauces. By increasing elimination through other channels, the kidneys can be relieved of work. The best way to induce elimination through the skin is to take a hot Epsom salt bath every alternate day. A daily walk of at least three kilometers will benefit patients with nephritis, as well as fresh air and outdoor exercises.
Chronic nephritis sufferers should avoid exertion whenever they can. He should avoid all excitement and hurry. Late hours should also be avoided. A patient suffering from acute nephritis should soon recover if the above treatment is faithfully followed. Chronic nephritis sufferers should benefit from this treatment even if their condition has progressed to advanced stages.