Photographs of Deadly Crocodiles – Ricardo Castillo, an adventurous photographer from Mexico, certainly got some holiday photos with a difference. Castillo, 39, was snorkeling in the sea off Cuba hoping to capture underwater photographs of sharks, but in its place came across another deadly predator in the shape of crocodiles. And he had nothing to look after him from the 12ft long reptiles apart from his camera and years of experience swimming with treacherous creatures.
With his experience, as a result, he was able to get to within a few inches of the Cuban crocodile and get fabulous shots of one of the world’s most fearsome animals in its natural environment. However, at one point the reptile even touched the lens of Ricardo’s waterproof camera, permitting him to get a photograph of the inside of its huge and lethal jaws.
Ricardo, actually, was snorkeling in the mangroves of the Gardens of the Queen marine park in Cuba. I was there to take shark photographs and the crocodiles abruptly happened to be there. I was in the water to get these photographs, it is normal to snorkel with crocodiles in this place.
Well, few of the crocodiles come by when they listen to the boats because some fisherman cleans their fish close to the mangrove where the crocs live. When you realize the crocs and their size of them, you just need to stay all the time in the front or the back of it, never to the side because it is very easy for the croc to bite someone then. I was very close to it. I use a 14 mm lens and the croc touched the lens dome of the camera.
When people view the pictures the first thing they say is “you are crazy” but people are scared by the unidentified. I always say that diving with sharks or crocs is not about bravery or gallantry; it is about the experience and knowledge you have. No doubt the risk is always there, but they’re wildlife, but if you learn to observe their behavior you can envisage what is happening. The thing is to know the time to get out to the water safely.
Source: Daily Mail