Tips for a Better Yoga Practice

In an ancient philosophy in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions, yoga devotes itself to spiritual discipline. While in the West, yoga is more likely perceived as a physical workout of certain poses or asanas.
Yoga is not just simply a physical exercise. Yoga is something you practice to reinforce, relax and stimulate your body and psyche.  To take Ashtanga Guru Pattabhi Jois’ famous quote to heart — “Patience and all is coming,” you will understand that truth will unfold itself to you when you constantly open your body and mind through yoga; and with truth follows profound peace.
Not many of us can make it to the studio for a yoga class; some of us are looking for an ideal way to practice yoga at home. Nevertheless, whether in the studio or in the comfort of our homes, we do not need any grand equipment to practice yoga.
For beginners, yoga practice may be difficult to perform. Here is a quick guide to help you improve your yoga practices. If you are looking for a detailed procedure on different yoga poses, check out
Before we tackle a few tips, make sure you find a comfortable spot for your yoga practice. If you have an extra room or space that you can allocate to your yoga, fantastic! Having your yoga mat unrolled and laid out at all times is unquestionably motivating.
On the other hand, most of us must be more adaptable and make space when we want to practice.  Find a quiet spot spacious enough for you to freely execute yoga poses without bumping into a chair or table. If you can find that spot with an empty wall, the better; since you can also use the empty wall as a prop. You can also be a little extra by using candles or incense for stimulation, but they are not really necessary to perform yoga.
Do not forget to pull out your yoga props: yoga bolster and yoga blocks. If you do not have them, you can always improvise! You can use books instead of yoga blocks, and you can stack pillows instead of yoga bolsters. You can buy an organic cork yoga mat, that contains unique antibacterial properties.
Tips for a Better Yoga Practice - In an ancient philosophy in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions, yoga devotes itself to spiritual discipline.
Tips for a Better Yoga Practice – In an ancient philosophy in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions, yoga devotes itself to spiritual discipline. Photo Credit – Pexels


Yoga can be very dynamic, so it is vital to warm up your body before doing yoga poses. Your muscles may be cold and stiff; practicing yoga immediately without warming your muscles up could lead to injury. Prepare your muscles by doing a couple of rounds of sun salutations or Surya Namaskar–a form of yoga exercise combining 12 harmoniously connected asanas, which is a great cardiovascular exercise.

Wear the right clothes

There is nothing more regrettable than pulling the waist of your yoga pants because your underwear is showing, or ensuring you are not pouring out of your top throughout the entire class when you are bending over. To avoid distraction, wear the right clothes for yoga, even when you are practicing yoga at home. You should be able to move freely without being distracted.

Focused breathing

Focusing on your breathing helps you relax and be more in line with your body. Take long, deep breaths or ujjayi when you are doing difficult poses. Breathe in and out through your nose. This way of breathing will help you release any tension or pressure and pessimism. It helps you continue your practice with a serene and composed perspective. Ujjayi breaths help you relax and hold your posture. Focus on your breath to stretch further; maintain the posture and feel the stretch.

Respect your body’s limits

Be mindful of your body’s limitations, especially your body’s vulnerable parts–neck, spine, knees, and hips. They are the most susceptible to injury. If you feel any painful sensation, modify or come out of the pose. Do not force or push yourself. Also, be extra careful when transitioning between poses. This is the stage where you could potentially injure yourself because we likely pay less attention to our alignment.
Some people are more flexible and can bend more than others, so bend only to your capacity. Remember that there is no contest in yoga. Practice at your own pace. Every one of us has different capabilities. The objective of doing yoga is to focus on yourself, not on what others can do.

Be consistent

If you want to improve your yoga, it is absolutely necessary to be consistent in doing your regular yoga practices. Practicing at least three times per week is enough to see progress in your flexibility, stamina, and focus. If studio classes are not an option, you can always opt for a yoga practice at home. Yoga is accessible to anyone. There are a lot of yoga videos and apps you can use at home. Although consistency is crucial, in the end, it is the quality of your practice that matters most. After all, quality is better than quantity. Therefore, consistent yoga practice is a must to improve overall health. 
Read More – A Journey Inside Your Body
Tips for a Better Yoga Practice
Tips for a Better Yoga Practice – Find a quiet spot spacious enough for you to freely execute yoga poses without bumping into a chair or table. Photo Credit – Pexels


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