Brief Descriptions
Yohimbine (Corynanthe yohimbe), Schizandra fruit (Schizandra chenensis), and Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), these three are included together because of their remarkable sexual rejuvenating properties. Particularly when used in conjunction with each other.
Yohimbine is the popularized name of a real tongue-twisting chemical known officially as 17 alpha-hydroxyyohimban-16 alpha-carboxylic acid methyl ester. Yet it has clinically verified aphrodisiac effects to it and is obtained from the bark of an African evergreen by the same name and growing in Cameroon, West Africa.
Schizandra is an aromatic, woody vine with alternate, petiolate and oblong-obovoid leaves. The flowers adorning it may be either pink or white. The nourishing fruit is a collection of berry-like, ripened carpels in a short, spike-like, drooping head that’s fleshy but not splitting open when ripened.
Ginkgo happens to be the only living representative left of a once vast order of tall, resinous trees widely distributed throughout the Mesozoic Era. The drupe-like fruit yields yellow seeds when it matures and acquires a rather foul-smelling odor to it.
The outer fleshy portion of the fruit provokes a very warm sensation to the skin when brought in contact with it. The leaves also are used as well. Both schizandra and Ginko are very popular in Chinese folk medicine for a wide variety of health complaints, especially sexual frigidity.
Ultimate Sexual Rejuvenators
During the stopover visit, one of the experts made a stay in Singapore to Indonesia. He said I had the good fortune of being introduced to an old Chinese herb doctor by the name of Hsii Chingtso. Through an acquaintance who spoke both languages well, I was able to obtain a very old sexual rejuvenating formula that had been in this man’s family for at least 17 generations.
What had attracted me to this old gent were the wide number of claims. I had heard from many others (especially men) concerning the amazing effectiveness of his simple formula. I learned that his only three ingredients were yohimbine bark, dried schizandra berries, and ginkgo leaves and seeds.
Now about the medical success of yohimbine (Corynanthe Yohimbe) as reported in Science. Therein scientists from Stanford University discovered to their astonishment that when impotent male rats were given yohimbine. They went wild and mounted female rodents up to 45 times in less than 15 minutes about twice as often as they normally would. Even when castrated rats were given a shot of the stuff, they climbed longingly on females.
And when I was aware of the in-depth study on yohimbine published in Pharmacological Reviews concerning its fantastic erection-promoting ability when sexual desires were present in men. But when their penile veins weren’t up to much contracting.
So, the old fellow’s inclusion of one-third yohimbine bark in his powerful sexual stimulant obviously made sense. Therefore, I also knew about the warm, sexual energies attributed to schizandra berries by ancient Chinese herbalists.
But I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why he included one-third ginkgo leaves and seeds along with his other one-third schizandra fruit. It was explained to this patient, the old fellow that ginkgo helped to increase the vital “life energies” passing through the brain.
He said it wasn’t enough to lift a man’s copulating organ holding up a drooping, bony finger that quickly became firm and elevated.  As he spoke, it was also necessary to raise his mental powers of sex as well. This, he believed, is what ginkgo essentially accomplished with the mind, while the other two ingredients worked on the reproductive organs themselves.
He made and sold this the concoction in tablet form, instructing those who purchased the same to take 6-8 tablets at a time at least 30 minutes before sexual activities commenced. In recommending this same formula to different men here in the states who were unable to buy it directly from him.
Then, I soon found that an alcoholic tincture of the yohimbine worked better than when taken in capsule form with the other two ingredients. Mix 6 ounces of powdered yohimbine bark with 4 a pint of brandy. Shake daily, allowing the mixture to sit for about 12 days.
Strain and bottle. Then when taking approximately 5 capsules of Nature’s Way Ginkgo and Nature’s Way Schizandra Fruit with adequate water, follow taking these capsules by squirting about a dozen drops of the mixture beneath the tongue and allowing it to enter the bloodstream sublingually. All these herbs may be obtained at most local health food stores or nutrition centers.
Also Read:Â Harvesting Drying and Storage of Herbs