When you’re about to go bass fishing, you surely want to know the main things you must know for catching this particular fish. All fish have different personalities and tempers, and so does the bass.
Bass are freshwater fish but also live in brackish waters. They love hot water, so they enjoy small ponds and live around the docks and in bays of larger lakes. They are the perfect catch for first-time anglers as you don’t have to do anything special to reach them. Putting a few outriggers on a boat or placing your rod in the water is all it takes.
In this article, we’re sharing seven essential tips to make a difference when going fishing. We will share what most pros already know and tips to help you catch as many basses as possible. Follow up and learn more about it.”

1. Red baits seem to do better than others
When choosing bait for bass fishing, you should know that red ones seem to be better than others. That’s because bass sees the bait as injured and will be more aggressive in catching. Of course, red is the color of blood, so they’ll simply jump into action.
2. Always keep your hooks sharp
Bass is a strong fish and can quickly get out of danger. If your hooks are not sharp enough, the fish will tear itself out of it and escape. This will make you lose your catch, but it will also hurt the fish, the worst-case scenario.
Use a hook sharpener to make them flawless. After purchasing, the hooks are supposed to be perfectly sharpened, but it’s not wrong to try them out and see if they truly are. Still, be careful not to hurt yourself; hooks can be highly dangerous for people too.
3. Buy baits only from trusted sources
Hooks and baits, and fishing gear in general, must be developed and manufactured by companies with great tradition in fishing. Before fishing, you should buy the best crankbaits online or in physical stores. Never get something from untrusted sources.
Experience is crucial in this sport. Even if you’re doing it only for fun and not competing with anyone, you still want to have top-notch equipment. You don’t want to see your lures break a piece when you throw it in the water.
4. Don’t throw away worn-off worm baits
Even when the bait starts falling apart under the sharp teeth of the bass, you shouldn’t throw them away. Keep fishing with them because that’s when you might have the best success.
It is most likely that fish will be more aggressive when they see a worm or other type of lure that’s incomplete. They see this as an injured prey, and an injured prey means it’s an easier catch, so they’ll rush and try to snatch it immediately before another fish comes into play.
5. Fish at dusk or dawn
Just like you have your time for breakfast and dinner, so does fish. Bass love feeding at dusk and dawn. Before the sun rises and when it sets behind the horizon are two times of the day when bass will be the most aggressive.
If you want to be sure that you’re not going home empty-handed, you should aim for these two times of the day. In both situations, the fish practically hunts almost in the dark. They have an excellent vision which helps them locate the prey, so don’t worry about you not seeing anything; they surely do.

6. Cloudy weather makes bass hungrier
Weather conditions play a significant role in bass fishing. When it’s cloudy outside, the bass will go into action. It may not be the perfect time for people to spend time in the great outdoors, but if you’re aiming for bass fishing, then cloudy weather is the best thing you’ll see that day.
When it becomes cloudy, the bass will become active. It probably feels like it’s going dark, and it’s time for dinner, so it will eat anything you provide for them.
7. Wind is also your friend when fishing bass
Another excellent friend of bass anglers is the wind. This is because lures become more dynamic in the water, which intrigues fish. The bass will also be more likely to go for your bait when it’s windy.
Another reason is the water being wavy and blocking the images coming from the surface, making the fish more relaxed. Like many other fish, bass will be easily scared if they see your boat and you moving on the surface. When the water is in waves, they don’t see any threats on the surface and focus on the bait only.
These are some crucial tips you need to know when you’re going bass fishing. Mind the bait and the weather, and you’ll catch tons of fish. Look up the local rules on bass fishing and if everything seems cool, enjoy your time spent by the lake.
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