HomeLife StyleBest Brain Foods for Students Going into Exams
Best Brain Foods for Students Going into Exams
Best Brain Foods for Students Going into Exams
Snacks and junk foods are usually eaten by many students who are struggling to keep up with their academic workload. As exams approach, this is clearer and can hinder a student’s performance. A healthy diet can be much better, so in this article, we’ll be discussing 4 of the best brain foods you can get as you approach your exams.
4 of the Best Brain Foods for Students Going into Exams
The stress during exams can be overwhelming, so it’s probably good to eat healthily. In this section of the article, we’ll be going over 4 of the best brain foods that you can quickly get and will likely help you going into exams.
1.  Dried fruits and nuts
Vitamin E and Zinc are two nutrients your brain can use a lot of when studying, as they can help you focus better and read for long hours. You can find these two nutrients along with antioxidants and fiber in many dried fruits and nuts, such as cashews, walnuts, and dates. These fruits don’t need any particular preservation method so they can last a whole day in your bag. With exams approaching, you might find yourself taking snacks more often than usual, so why not make those snacks healthy?
2.  Dairy products
Milk and Yogurt are some of the most accessible dairy products to get. You can find them in your local mall or even in your dining hall. Milk contains both casein and whey protein, which are very useful to the human brain. Protein, aside from helping repair broken tissue, also sends signals to the brain to help you feel good. A relaxed mind is more likely to perform better in exams, which is why many students use LetsGradeIt to read reviews of the best essay writers to help them with their assignments.
3.  Herbal tea
Most herbal teas, such as Rosemary and Green tea, are filled with many nutrients such as antioxidants that can help keep your brain working for longer. Antioxidants help fight off the brain’s aging as they can help prevent oxidative stress on the brain cells. Herbal tea can also increase the amount of dopamine your brain releases, which can help you relax better before, during, and after your exams. If you go online, you might be overwhelmed by the number of different herbal teas, so you might want to focus more on the most recommended ones.
4.  Moderate amounts of caffeine
Caffeine, when taken in moderation, can be your best friend. It helps in the stimulation of the brain and nervous system. Caffeine can also help keep you recharged and full of energy to study for longer. When taking caffeine, you might want to remember that your body will still need rest, so don’t take too much. You can find it in many food items such as Coffee, Chocolate, and some energy drinks. If you’re under 18, an athlete, or a pregnant woman, you might want to limit your use of caffeine. When taken correctly, caffeine can give you the boost you need to get the best grade you can.
Hopefully, this article has provided you with the tips you need to prepare a healthy diet for exams. A healthy lifestyle can do you a world of good for your body and mind. The brain is the number one asset for reasoning and cognitive work, so you might want to take especially more care of it as a student.
Author’s Bio
Eric Wyatt is an accomplished food nutritionist and freelance writer. He researches healthy diets and shares his findings through his articles. Eric enjoys gyming and going on long hikes.