Do you know, there is the only city in the world with a 32-story Vertical Cemetery, what is the real story behind this unique work? The world’s population is growing rapidly. Not only is there a shortage of housing for the living, but it is also becoming increasingly difficult to find a suitable eternal resting place after death.
The number of deaths in the world is also increasing rapidly, and it is time that there is no place to bury in the cemetery. Peoples look for the best place to bury their beloved ones. However, finding space is really difficult in some world cities.
These days, high-rise cemeteries are becoming rapidly popular around the world, and the Memorial Necrópole Ecumênica, in Santos, Brazil, is the highest of them all. In some societies, corpses are cremated and buried, while in the divine religions the dead are buried. Graves and land are dwindling due to population growth.
To overcome this problem, in some countries the practice of making cemeteries in the form of buildings instead of ground cemeteries is on the rise. Due to the availability of land for graves and the proportion of the population, the construction of a high-rise building began in 1983 in the Brazilian city of Santos, which has now become the tallest cemetery in the world and is listed in the Guinness World Records.
This beautiful 32-story building at the foot of a mountain is 108 meters high. The building’s name is Memorial Necropolis Echomanica. It also has a beautiful lawn, parking lot, a church, a garden, a waterfall, and a restaurant. There are several blocks on 32 floors and each block has 150 tombs.
In addition, there are six tombs in each storey. This lofty cemetery can accommodate 25,000 corpses at a time. Here the bodies are kept on rent for three years and after three years the remains are handed over to the heirs so that they can be buried or disposed of elsewhere. There are proper ventilation arrangements to keep the graves cool.
Moreover, the interesting fact is that the higher the tomb, the higher the price? The building has become a major tourist attraction in Brazil and millions of tourists come here to see the sights. However, the burial of corpses is becoming a serious problem for the living people in the world. Because the world is just a cabin, and we have to go to find out the final resting place anywhere. Death is inevitable, it is a hard fact of life to accept it, no matter it is easy or uncomfortable. Every human has to embrace death one day.
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