
11 Reasons Why Africa is Worth Visiting

Africa's exceptional natural resources, including its renowned wildlife, snow-capped mountains, waterfalls, rapids, gorgeous forests, rare bird populations, immaculate beaches, and coral reefs, are of immeasurable worth. Some of the best-known...

Rare Golden Penguin Spotted Along the Shore of Antarctica

Tourists aboard the National Geographic Journey to Antarctica cruise were amazed by the sightings of a lovely golden...

Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)

Identification: Grizzly bear has shaggy fur, especially on their shoulders and flanks; their front claws are longer than...

Benefits of Soursop Fruits

Benefits of Soursop Fruits. Soursop, also known as guanabana, is a tropical fruit known for its unique flavor and...

Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker (Piculus callopterus)

Family: The Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker (Piculus callopterus) belongs to the Picidae family. Movement: The Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker is found throughout the...

A Rare 2,000 Years Old Collection of Coins Discovered in Mohenjo Daro

A Rare 2,000-Year-Old Collection of Coins Discovered in Mohenjo Daro. Just imagine having a rare piece of coins in your hands—something that has endured...

Sir William Johnson – Intelligent British Born Frontier Trader

Sir William Johnson was an influential British-born frontier trader and intermediary between North American colonists and Native Americans. He was superintendent of Indian Affairs...

John Medaris – Brave Officer in The United States Army

John Medaris was born on May 12, 1902. Since the establishment on February 1, 1956, of the U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency, the Army's...

Mohawks – Native American Groups

Mohawks are Native American groups, part of the Five (later Six) Nations of the Iroquois, or Iroquois Confederation, whose territory included much of upstate...

Esopus Wars – Conflict between European Settlers and Natives in North America

Esopus wars starting year is 1659, and the end year is 1664. Armed conflict between the Dutch and their native allies and the Esopus...

Robert Hunter Morris – The Embattled Governor of Pennsylvania

Robert Hunter Morris is the embattled governor of Pennsylvania during the French and Indian War (1754–1763). A member of a prominent political family, Robert...

Montgomery, United States Protected Cruiser

It was a U.S.-protected cruiser. The Montgomery, which is the name of the class, was able to carry 2,094 tons, which made it among...

Edwin Alexander Anderson, Jr. – Naval Officer of United States

Edwin Alexander Anderson Jr. was born in Wilmington, North Carolina, on the 16th of July, 1860. Anderson was assigned as a student at Annapolis,...

Joseph Dana Webster (1811 – 1876)

Joseph Dana Webster was a civil engineer and soldier. He was born at Old Hampton, N.H., on August 25, 1811. Joseph Dana Webster graduated...

Henry Hugh Pierson: Famous English Composer 1815-1873

Henry Hugh Pierson was an English composer, organist, and pianist, born in Oxford in 1815. His real name was Henry Hugh Pearson, but he...