Carpentarian Grasswren (Amytornis dorotheae) is named for its confinement to the sandstones of the Carpentarian system at the head of the Gulf of Carpentaria. This grasswren remains one of...
The most common varieties are hybrids of Cosmos bipinnatus, a half-hardy annual with daisy-like flowers sometimes as large as four inches across, and beautiful...
Pachysandra Terminalis
Few ground covers make such a thick, dense evergreen bed as Pachysandra Terminalis. It doesn’t do its job overnight, but wait, for as...
Snapdragon (Antirrhinum Majus) are perennials grown as half-hardy annuals. Flowers grow on spikes of varying heights, from six inches to four feet. Rocket varieties...
Peony flowers are classified as “doubles” huge round balls with many petals, however, semi-doubles with fewer petals and “single” with one sparser row of...
Pulmonaria plant used to be called “lungwort. Its spotted leaves resembled diseased lungs and, in the homeopathic tradition of folk medicine, were thus supposed...
Red Clover-Trifolium Pratense is commonly found throughout the northern hemisphere. It is also found in Western Asia, Europe, and Northwest Africa. However, it has...
Dahlia is one of those plants with endless flower classifications. Some are single, like daisies. Some are like round balls others are “Cactus-Flowered”, “Orchid-Flower”...