From early January, when news of the rapid spread of the epidemic called Covid-19 spread in China, alarm bells rang all over the world. Every country was afraid that it might catch up with it. Many countries have been affected by this global epidemic and now the coronavirus has also taken root in the entire world.
Every other person suffers from nervous tension. In such cases, people with two attitudes are more visible. One is those who are clearly terrified and the other is those who do not acknowledge this serious situation, but their attitude shows that they are also terrified.
COVID-19 and Your Mental Health
In the Covid-19 situation, people have taken precautions, but are still not satisfied, as most of their time is spent on getting the latest information about the coronavirus through TV or the Internet. In fact, they are taking all precautionary measures, but they do not realize that this attitude can lead to more problems.
Because on the one hand, their nerves are under constant stress, and on the other hand, the immune system is unnecessarily active as a result of following different tones. But they are unaware that the immune system is unnecessarily active. It makes him less stressed and then he doesn’t have enough strength to fight any harmful attacker that enters the body.
At the same time, such people are very anxious for themselves and their families, so they are unable to get complete and restful sleep. My appetite has decreased and the invasions of unnecessary thoughts have increased. Some were not very keen on gossip, now they are anxious to get out of the house with their friends. In fact, both of these actions are symptoms of severe depression.
The question may arise in many minds that the first reaction is an expression of stress, but how can the second reaction be the result of stress? So look, while the human brain is a very intelligent, fast, and smart natural device or machine, the way it works sometimes shows strange results. As long as the stress and the level of courage or endurance of the nerves remain balanced, we also express nervousness and try to think of some solution to deal with it.
Even when we start to give up everything, in this way, when we cry, stress hormones are released through tears and we become relatively calm. And when the brain is calm, it can think of different solutions better, but when one’s brain subconsciously thinks that the situation, he is facing is more than he can handle, it consciously refuses to accept the seriousness of the problem.
This does not necessarily have to be the case with everyone, sometimes security measures are not taken due to lack of information. But despite having complete information, it is more likely to deny its seriousness because the individual’s nerves are unable to withstand its severity. For example, some people do not believe when they hear of the sudden death of a loved one, because their brain does not tolerate this severe trauma and strongly deny it.
However, at the moment many people are suffering from severe nervous tension, and they want everything around them to look as normal as before, and when someone mentions the coronavirus in front of them, they are really very upset. Deny the seriousness of the epidemic.
There is no denying that due to a lack of education, the majority have no idea how the virus is transmitted from one person to another and how it preys on everyone without any discrimination. In other words, the lack of information and stress is making the situation worse. In such cases, it is very important to control stress, for which you should first avoid unnecessary and unverified information. Be sure to read the newspaper, and watch the news, but make sure that the source of the information you are getting is reliable or not.
Anyway, it is enough to know the latest situation and statistics once a day. At present, medical experts are urging people to stay at home and take precautionary measures issued by the World Health Organization. Try to use garlic, onion, or some other tricks; they should not be followed at all. So wherever you see someone promoting you, avoid it as much as possible.
It is believed that many natural products contain hidden remedies, but this does not mean that they should be used without expert advice. Remember, no cure for coronavirus has been discovered so far. When experts develop a vaccine, it will be reported to the public through authoritative sources.
Commonly, unreliable sources are spreading fake information on Facebook groups and pages that provide bizarre, shocking information to increase page likes or visits to your website. Later, people copy and share without verifying their walls, so people like that, Facebook and WhatsApp. Limit contact with groups and loved ones as much as possible, who have a reputation for spreading negative information or who do not lie in order to gain attention.
Also keep in mind that if you suffer from a chronic illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, cancer, depression, etc., the general safety precautions will be relatively different for you, so follow your doctor’s instructions. So, keep yourself busy with different things, for this you can read books, take admission in an online course, or fulfill an old unfulfilled desire and hobby. Participate in all possible charitable activities that can be done at home.
It will bring peace of mind and heart, less frustration, and despair. Tell the elders and children at home about the true nature of the coronavirus and try your best to keep them calm. Remember, very young children are not afraid of getting sick or dying, because the meaning of death is not clear to them. They are frightened by the fear of their families.
So if you feel that your child is in a state of intense fear, first review your attitude. Also, make the children feel that you are with them. Listen to them calmly and satisfy them with appropriate words. Set aside a time each day with your children to practice deep breathing and meditation. This will calm the nerves.
The easiest way to do this is to take five to ten minutes of deep breaths while focusing on positive activities. Engage in various creative activities with the children. Tell them stories or listen to them. Exercise for fifteen minutes to half an hour every day. It is also important to avoid arguing with each other. Of course, it is important to have a good home environment, but at a time when everyone is at home and the majorities are nervous, it is important to reconsider your priorities.
Try to ignore the little things like the taste of food, more or less salt, which will do what. Rest assured, these conflicts are insignificant compared to the survival we are currently fighting. Rather, consider it a good opportunity to improve your relationship with your family and loved ones. Ideological debate, by the way, is a healthy engagement, which keeps the mind active, but only when it is for learning, not to express hatred for one another.
Have a loving relationship with your spouse. Discipline children as little as possible. It is a common misconception that screaming reduces anger, when it is a temporary feeling, and when the intensity of anger decreases, the feeling of being mistreated by your loved ones. Embarrassment greatly increases nervous tension. Or the other person’s reaction may cause more mental distress.
Under normal circumstances, housewives are usually accustomed to having children and housewives go to the office and school to take care of household chores as well as take some time for their leisure or relaxation. Living permanently at home is increasing their busyness. They are not getting a chance to get rid of mental fatigue. In such cases, it is better for the family members, including the children, to take care of the small chores, so that the women who take care of the house do not suffer from fatigue and further stress.
These are all steps that homeowners can take to keep themselves calm, but also keep in mind that coronavirus sufferers and those in quarantine are currently more stressed than the general population. There is also a fear among patients that they will not be able to recover or not, and they do not even have family members for emotional support. And this is the most difficult situation.
In such cases, first of all, special attention should be paid to keeping these patients calm. Because the more stressed they are, the sooner their immune system will stop resisting. If they give up hope, obviously, they will not even take precautions. This will further reduce their chances of recovery. It is also very likely that people who spend time in quarantine will suffer from post-traumatic stress for the rest of their lives, which may be due to not taking steps to keep them calm.
Living in quarantine is a difficult task. Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure. They should feel special, not a prisoner. In this situation, it is important for physicians and paramedical staff to remain calm and not only keep patients informed about their health but also provide them with the emotional support that family members do not have.
In addition, a team of medical staff should be formed, who should be given regular training in one or two days of training sessions on how to remain calm, counsel patients, and adopt behaviors. People who are already suffering from severe mental and nervous stress should avoid being included in the team as they may make the mistake of behaving harshly towards the patient and other people due to a lack of control over their nerves.
Also, along with this training, it is important for the entire nation’s victims and the frontline team to fight the coronavirus to have a positive mindset. Medical and non-medical personnel stationed at various hospitals and quarantine centers are currently performing their duties at the risk of their lives, so let us understand the importance of their sacrifice and not discuss color, race, creed, or political affiliation at all.
Remember, this is not the time to spread political hatred, not religious bigotry nor to lie to anyone and prove oneself truthful. Support every positive step that is for the benefit of all of us. So, it is very imperative to understand COVID-19 and Your Mental Health.
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