Easy Way to Cope with a Long Essay per One Day

Easy Way to Cope with a Long Essay per One Day

In the process of learning, students are faced with the need to write a huge number of different papers, including essays. Such a task can be assigned at school, at the exam, at a college, or at a higher educational institution. This type of creative work is very common among teachers, but despite this, many students remain petrified when they are faced with the task of writing an essay. In our article, we will try to reveal the secret and explain in detail what an essay is and how to write a long essay per day.
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What is an essay?

Before moving on to a detailed description and enumeration of the characteristics inherent in this type of paper, it is first necessary to define this concept, which will reveal its essence as much as possible. An essay is a kind of paper that, in the form of a text of a small volume, reveals the author’s subjective view of a problem, process, or phenomenon.
In other words, this is a small paper that contains a certain point of view, supported by the author’s arguments. The main task of the essay is to show the position of a person on a specific issue. In universities, teachers often give students the task of writing an essay, as this is a great way to check how well a student is oriented on a particular topic and what point of view they have on a particular issue.
Below we list the main characteristics of the essay that distinguish it from other literary genres.
  • Small volume.
  • Well-defined topic.
  • The simplicity of narration.
  • Clear and understandable structure.
  • Dividing a text into paragraphs.
  • The brevity of narration.
  • Clear author’s position.
  • The position of the author must be supported by arguments.
  • The paper should be a reflection of the knowledge of the author.

    Easy Way to Cope with a Long Essay per One Day
    Easy Way to Cope with a Long Essay per One Day – In the process of learning, students are faced with the need to write a huge number of different papers, including essays.

Step-by-step instructions on how to cope with a long essay per one day

We figured out what an essay is, but where to start writing it? How to choose a topic? What should be included in this paper? We will answer all these questions below. Let’s start, perhaps, with the most important thing – the topic. Without the right topic, you won’t get a good essay. The topic should be close to you; it should be of interest. As a rule, teachers give students a list of topics for writing a paper; it remains only to choose what is closer to them, what worries them, and what they want to talk about.
Once you decide on a topic, you can start writing an essay. Remember that this paper is designed to develop critical thinking skills in students. The main value in it is your thoughts, and your position, supported by arguments. A clear position and convincing arguments will allow you to get a good grade and approval from the teacher.
The structure of an essay consists of three elements: introduction, body, and conclusion. Let’s dwell on them in more detail.
  1. Introduction. The introductory part touches on the mood and character of the essay. The introduction raises questions that will be discussed in the main part. Try to touch on topical aspects, topics that are relevant today. The introduction takes up only 15-20% of the volume of the entire paper, but it is very important and allows the reader to understand what the essay will be about.
  2. Main part. Your opinion about the topic of the essay is important here. If the topic is a quote from a famous person, you can agree with it or refute it, thus formulating your own thesis. Be sure to give arguments to prove your point of view. It is better to have at least three of them.
  3. In a conclusion, the author sums up the results and sets out the summary that they came to in the course of writing the paper. Here it is important to turn again to the topic of the essay, its problem, and based on the arguments in the main part, come to a logical conclusion. This part of the essay, like the introduction, should not take more than 15-20% of the total volume of work.
Following the above recommendations, you can write a long essay per day that will qualify for an excellent grade and positive feedback from the teacher.
Easy Way to Cope with a Long Essay per One Day
Easy Way to Cope with a Long Essay per One Day – Once you decide on a topic, you can start writing an essay. Photo Credit – geralt