HomeAmazingGlowing Interactive Circular Swings Change Colors with Motion
Glowing Interactive Circular Swings Change Colors with Motion
In the coming few months, you’ll be able to see this interactive Swing Time installation on The Lawn on D in Boston offers residents and people to sit back and ease while swinging in one of 20 glowing hammocks.
This beautiful temporary project was a concept by Höweler + Yoon Architecture and was created as a way to “make a new type of city park” where everyone is invited to gather and play games or do exercises to be fit. Every swing is custom-made in three diverse sizes from welded polypropylene.
On the inside of the circular structures, LED lighting responds to movement contingent on whether or not it is being used. At a standstill, the round form emits soft white lights, nonetheless then, as the sightseer swings and rocks inside of the structure, an internal micro-controller modification the lighting from white to purple to indicate motion.