Make sure you don’t retire and work in any situation to make you motivated and fit. Rather than retiring, simply stop working for a living at some point. Self-motivation cannot be enhanced by putting the brain in retirement mode. From a business perspective, however, there is a huge amount of talent wasting, especially in the fields of law and accountancy.
It is common for firms to be set up with equity partners and partners as partners. These people must retire at a certain age. This does not demonstrate a customer care culture to clients in the vast majority of cases. the vast majority of cases. The company’s contact with customers has suddenly disappeared, and relationships that have developed over many years have been broken up.
Due to the loss of experience, the firm suffers. It would be a good idea for equity partners to release their equity in order to let others in the firm benefit, as well as for the firm to be able to recruit new talent. However, partners should decrease their work hours. They could do four days a week after a certain age, then three days, two days, and one day until the time is determined.
Most people find it very difficult to suddenly stop working after a lifetime of work. People with numerous interests and hobbies and enough income to give them great joy and fulfillment in the period of their life when they no longer work for a living are exceptions to the rule.
There is something frightening about the word ‘retirement’. Thousands of people look forward to retiring after having dedicated themselves to their employees and their companies. The statistics show that many retirees die within one or two years of their retirement.
Their retirement was a goal they were aiming for, and after achieving that goal, there was nothing more to look forward to. The years they spent working for free were not prepared or planned. The end of work should not be a retirement, but an end to earning a living. It is absolutely true and effective that motivating someone else is one of the finest techniques for building and maintaining self-motivation.
First, let’s touch on the principle as always:
Continuing from the laws of success, this law says that you will receive a tenfold return. The simplest way to motivate someone is to smile at them. It’s quite uncanny to see how a big smile offered to someone else is returned with a smile while walking down the street or even in a traffic jam in your car. Smiling makes you motivated, doesn’t it?
We, humans, are unique in our ability to laugh, which sets us apart from animals. There are almost no problems in the world that can’t be solved with a sense of humor. By laughing and joking, we remove the pressures and worries.