How to become a successful student?
How to increase deadlines? Quickly fix a project, urgently rewrite notes, quickly write an essay or prepare for independent work? Student life is full of different events. Some of them are pleasant, others make it easier to study, while others, on the contrary, can make it harder. Because of certain qualities, skills, and abilities, individuals are prone to encounter various problems and obstacles in the course of their professional training.
Training in any field implies a specific plan of action: curriculum, class schedule, the presence of mandatory written projects, and the schedule of tests and exams. Hence, we can conclude that each assignment has its own “shelf life” and a period to be checked or defended. Today, we will tell you about traditional and specific ways to solve problems, and they’ll reveal some great tips for all occasions in student life.
How to procrastinate on the deadline for papers?
So, the deadline for the project is almost here, and you don’t have anything ready yet. What to do? You may wonder who can write my papers for me if you are so busy. In such cases, trust only professional writers. After all, you want to get a perfect assignment on time. The writing service experts have years of experience and are sure to cope with the task better than anyone else. Also, there are two more ways out of this situation: to organize a couple of sleepless nights, write a complete project during this time, or try to reschedule the inspection/defense.
According to statistics, more than a third of students prefer the first option, but it is not always effective. The teacher may not accept a term paper or other work the first time (because of their principles, inadequate quality, low uniqueness, or failure to pass normative control, etc.). Students of colleges and universities resort to the second scenario in extreme cases, when they have not managed to pass the material in time and the so-called “academic debt” has appeared, or in an objective assessment of their strength and capabilities: it is physically, morally and intellectually impossible to complete the project in the prescribed time.
To solve the problem the following options are suitable: Settlement agreement: it is necessary to go to the supervisor and explain the situation, ask to postpone the term of the project defense (formally) for 1-3 days, and for this time to perform research. This method works successfully with students with a positive reputation, with a friendly and trusting relationship between the student and the teacher, etc. Provide some of the material for review.
This scenario, of course, will not protect from failure, but it will still allow you to show that at least part of the project is done, the student did not idle and did research, etc. In this case, you can get a “preliminary mark”, and if the project is ready at 85-90% you can earn a ready mark, and later hand into the department a ready version. Simply do not hand in the material on the appointed day and exercise the right to retake it. Remember that untimely delivery of coursework will not allow (in 90% of cases) students to gain admission to exams.
So it is important to close the resulting “tail” as quickly as possible. To do this you will have to finish writing, correct the material, look at the teacher’s schedule and arrange with him to retake the “runner” and defend.
How to speed up your term paper, diploma paper, or research paper?
Writing quality material is a long process. Moreover, the dominant part of the time is spent on finding and processing primary sources. The systematization phase of the collected data and the design of the project takes a few hours or days. So if you need any help, contact the best essay writing service to cope with the task well.
The following variations will help simplify and greatly speed up the process of writing any student or research paper: Using blanks or ready-made papers. In this case, the search for materials is reduced to “sampling” from ready-made projects, analyzing the list of references in them, but there is a great risk of getting “low-grade” (unoriginal) information. Therefore, the author should skillfully select the necessary paragraphs/sentences and competently veil them, paraphrase, and quote. Use of foreign works and projects, translation of foreign literature.
This option is most often resorted to by experienced researchers engaged in a total study of a topical problem (candidates and doctors of sciences). For students, this scenario seems too complicated and laborious. It is enough to use an online translator, understand the meaning of the found material, and retell it in your work. Only 20% of students encounter foreign literature in their term and dissertation papers. Skillful citation and borrowing. The student needs to find the very line between paraphrasing (rewriting) and copying, as there are certain limitations (uniqueness) for each type of work.
It is excessive borrowing, copying, and quoting that reduces the quality of the work. The most popular advice on “competent borrowing” is to use this technique once in a subparagraph or chapter. In this case, there will be a quality addition of facts without reducing the originality of the text. Ask for help. It does not matter who will be your “helper” – a friend, an excellent student, a desk mate, a qualified expert, or a teacher (but he is more likely to give sensible advice). Never be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes thanks to “delegation of authority” you can do the research not only quickly, but also better.
Effective outlining
The educational process in at least a third, and in most cases 60%, consists of classroom studies, in which students have a lot of writing, and recording, that is, taking notes. Moreover, teachers are not always directly involved in the “dictation” of topics. In higher education institutions the principle of autonomy applies. Therefore, the teacher is obliged to explain the topic, and the student decides for himself: what exactly, and how he will record.
A lecture or outline should help the student: remember the material, consolidate it, etc. Therefore, you can quickly and efficiently take notes based on the following principles: Record only the most important: the topic, terms, formulas, examples, etc.; Use diagrams, and tables in the notes; Use the achievements of science and technology: you can record lectures on a dictaphone / the phone to use later as an “audiobook” or to supplement the notes; Do not be distracted by trifles and form a thesis plan; Use common “personally invented” abbreviations.
Moreover, you can make notes at the end of the notebook with a deciphering of what each of the abbreviations means. As a rule, by the end of the semester, each student has more than a few dozen “personal abbreviations.
Freeing up time for study, and self-study
Students live for today and rarely engage in planning. Therein lies their biggest mistake. To succeed everywhere and in everything without compromising your health, and personal life, it is important to use the rules of time management. This methodology will not only allow you to be successful but also, if necessary, to free up extra time for force majeure, regular needs, etc.
Increase the efficiency of training
Increasing the quality of education and facilitating preparation for the upcoming control and independent work, tests and exams will help such techniques as Repetition is the mother of learning. The easiest and most effective way to keep your memory at the proper level, and to be ready for anything is interval repetition of passed material. It’s enough to pay for “rereading” lectures, and seminars for 10-15 minutes a day, so as not to lose the acquired knowledge.
To earn authority, gain confidence from the teacher, as well as to deepen their knowledge, you can strengthen them with the help of active participation in all classes, participation in conferences, workshops, etc. During preparation for homework, certification, and other forms of control it is important to create optimal conditions: prepare a workplace, and necessary materials, and refuse to use gadgets, phones, and other “distractions”.