Nahmint Lake is located in the Nahmint Valley, Southwest Port Alberni, on Vancouver Island, south of Sproat Lake (also known as Kleecoot by indigenous people), north east of Hucuktlis Lake (that drains south into head of Uchucklesaht Inlet on the north side of lower Alberni Inlet). A stunning location beneath massive old-growth hemlock trees on Nahmint Lake’s beaches. The watershed is home to several stunning mountain peaks, including Kiltsa mountain to the north, rivers, lakes, and a wide variety of fauna.
On the road to Tofino, Kiltsa is a snow-capped mountain that can be seen from Highway 4. There is fishing, boating, and a fantastic beach. Spending a day or perhaps a long weekend at this lake is highly recommended. The river’s falls and rapids as it flows through the gorges to Nahmint Bay, along with the breathtaking views of the mountains, are just breathtaking. Undoubtedly, the most striking of these waterfalls is French Falls, located atop Nahmint Mountain. You will be in awe of their exquisiteness.
The lake itself is breathtaking, and if you get tired of strolling along the coast, you may continue your exploration by going up the Nahmint River, which empties into the lake at its northernmost point and emerges at its southernmost point. Feel the serene and lovely moment to watch the sun set over the mountains. After that, you need to get up early to see a stunning sunrise. You will see the light rise over the mountains and land on the Nahmint lake.
The Nahmint River flows from the lake into Alberni Inlet, where it flows past some spectacular waterfalls and rapids before arriving to Nahmint Bay. There are currently very few chinook or pink returns from the river, compared to the once massive chum, pink, and chinook returns. However, there are still some significant streams of chum. Â The woodlands are home to healthy populations of black bears, cougars, and Roosevelt elk. The calls of the elusive northern goshawk are frequently heard resonating from the treetops.
A stunning lake surrounded by lush green mountains and woodlands, with an abundance of birds and other species. It is also an excellent place to camp. For a few days, the peace and quiet of the lake and the surrounding forests are exactly what nature ordered. Enjoy yourself and do not forget your camera. The Nahmint Lake recreation area has 12 campsites, picnic tables, a boat launch, and restrooms. From the campground, there is a fantastic beach that extends to the Nahmint River’s entrance. At the river’s mouth, there is a little sandbar where you can go bottom fishing.
This deep lake has some enormous rainbow trout; the center of the lake is 140 meters deep, and some rainbows can weigh up to 4.5 kg. At the river mouth, you can occasionally hook into one right past the drop-off, but trolling deep will yield greater success rates for the larger fish. Additionally, dolly varden char, kokanee trout, and cutthroat trout can be found here. This lake even has the occasional steelhead to be caught.
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