Search results for: shrubs

The Beautiful Crimson Rosella Life Spans, Call and More

Description The Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans) of the Great Dividing Range and the Yellow Rosella of the Murray Basin are magical species that may surprise...

Rose of Sharon comes in Number of Varieties Shades

Rose of Sharon "Hibiscus syrfiacus" is the chief value of this shrub, also known as “shrub althaea,"  which lies in its late summer bloom....

Yellow-billed Cuckoo Call / Sound / Song

Male Yellow-billed Cuckoo call is a distinguishing series of hollow, wooden-sounding ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-kow-kow-kow-kow-kowlp-kowlp-kowlp-kowlp-kowlp syllables. The entire series is a bit slow and then gets sluggish...

Brown Songlark (Cincloramphus cruralis)

Brown Songlark (Cincloramphus cruralis) is a small passerine bird found on treeless grass plains and saltbush shrub steppes inland. This bird is also known as...

Jasmine: The Evergreen Flower That Captivates Through the Seasons

Jasmines may twine to some extent, but as a group, they’re really in the category of shrubs. Some have long, arching stems, and are...

Peony Flower: Classified Doubles Huge Round Balls with Many Petals

Peony flowers are classified as “doubles” huge round balls with many petals, however, semi-doubles with fewer petals and “single” with one sparser row of...