If you’re looking for scenic places to treat yourself on a road trip across the USA, or you just want to visit a specific place that has stunning views and breathtaking nature, then you need some suggestions to inspire you. The beauty of the world is what makes us want to explore it. The most beautiful places in the world are those that have natural beauty, such as waterfalls, mountains, and beaches.
In this section, we will be exploring some of the most scenic places to camp in the United States. We will start with our own backyard and then move to some of the more popular destinations in other parts of the world. So if you’re planning a camping trip, then here are some of the most scenic places to check out.
Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
If you want to explore one of the most iconic places in the whole country, then Grand Canyon is a must-see. Those who want to camp here are advised to stay at one of the two or three fully developed official campgrounds.
Make sure to get all the relevant permits, especially if you’re interested in backcountry camping. Even though the South Rim part is a little touristy, there are less crowded places like the North Rim. If you’re new to camping, be sure that you’re mentally and physically up to the task before going to more challenging destinations.
Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida
If you love warmth and sunshine, then Florida is the place to start. Dry Tortugas National Park is known for its barrier reefs that you can admire right next to your tent. You can even rent gear for snorkeling and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
When you’re in the mood for exploring your surroundings, then feel free to jet off to Fort Jefferson. If you’re an avid bird-watcher, you’ll appreciate the opportunity to admire some of the most amazing species. Florida is a gorgeous state, and its wildlife is one of the best and most diverse in the world.
Joshua Tree National Park, California
Maybe the name Joshua Tree is familiar to you. If that’s the case, then it might be because of the U2 album of the same name. California has so many places worth exploring, then feel free to consider the RV camping experience. In that case, also remember to get all the necessary supplies.
California might be a warm state, but it can get cold at times, so having the best 12v heater for campervan, keeps you warm when it gets chilly. This is crucial as getting cold while camping is something you definitely want to avoid. When you’re camping out in nature, it’s important to make sure that you have everything to keep you safe and comfortable at all times.
Olympic National Park, Washington
Washington State is known for its lush greenery, so it absolutely deserves to be on this list. Olympic National Park is located along a gorgeous coastline, and sometimes, there’s nothing better than camping by the sea. Next to the ocean is the rainforest, which makes this a unique and beautiful experience. The park itself has 14 campgrounds, just make sure they’re open before you decide to visit.
Yosemite National Park, California
Yosemite National Park is another Californian-based USA gem. A well-known and loved by every nature enthusiast, Yosemite is one of the most scenic places in the whole country. There are 13 official campgrounds, but there are backcountry camping options available for those who want to try something more challenging.
The biggest part of the national park is the wilderness, so if you’re a nature and camping lover, you’ll enjoy spending time here. Just remember to make a reservation on time, as there’s a lot of demand.
The USA has so diverse and stunning wildlife that you should definitely experience it through the eyes of the camper. Traveling by RV is a practical way to be mobile and comfortable, so make sure to get all the supplies in order to have a safe and carefree trip. These places are great places to discover America and its biggest treasure: amazing nature and rare animal species.