This is photo of sunrise in Seljalandsfoss Iceland. If you want to see this beautiful place, you’ll take a two week trip with snow or rain storm every day, when you see the colors of sky like (in this photo), I can bet you’ll feel agitated. The photographer (Belinda Shi) says; I didn’t know about this until the end of my trip to Iceland. Fortunately, I was assiduous enough to capture every single color I could see every morning and evening, provided it was not snowing or raining. That of course was at the expense of sleep hours for the first week, and an average I normally slept 3-4 hours every day, but every single minute of my waking hours was well worth it. The following photograph was taken on Day third of my trip in front of Seljalandsfoss. I have driven back and forth this waterfall located in South Iceland at least four times during my trip, and every time was a brand new experience.Hlauptungufoss is an unknown waterfall near Bruarfoss Iceland. I spent almost two hours in searching of Bruarfoss on my second day in Iceland, but due to inadequate and inaccurate information online, I didn’t find it. Nevertheless, I’ve succeeded finally and discovered this beautiful spot along the Bruar River where the clouds disclosed the snow mountain in the background. It was better place than I was expected. Of course, I was lucky to find Bruarfoss the second week with 6 participants of my Iceland Photography Workshop. We were all excited that our hard work almost knee high snow trek paid off, but in some way this unfamiliar waterfall was still special.Photo Source: Melinda Shi

I was 2nd person on the beach that morning in Jökulsárlón during sunrise, Iceland. Some other photographer beat me for 5 minutes. I was so obsessed with photographing icebergs and the ocean waves brushing against them, that I totally forgot time. Actually I spent 2 hours there, and by the time I recognized, my waterproof boots and socks had been soaking wet, and my feet were cold and numb. Nevertheless I still enjoyed this place a lot.